Oh, September! Some call it the true new year, with kids back at school and parents dealing with back-to-school schedules. With cottage season winding up, it’s not my favourite time of year, but I do know how many truly love the cooler temperatures, fall colours, and spiced-pumpkin everything.
A highlight of my month was seeing the launch of the Monarch Ultra Project, when organizers boarded their RV in Peterborough and headed off on a 4,200-kilometre journey all the way to Mexico, with ultra-marathon relay runners following the annual migratory path of the monarch butterfly. So I was very pleased to see our monarch butterfly tribute in our #2 place this month!
Thanks to everyone who allows us to share their photos — we hope you enjoy their photographs and follow them!
Do you want to get on our top photographers list? All you need is an Insta account and to tag us using our hashtag #kawarthanow when posting your photo.
We share photos from across our readership area, which is the five-county area surrounding Peterborough which includes Peterborough, Northumberland, City of Kawartha Lakes, Haliburton, and Hastings (we sneak in the occasional Algonquin Park picture as well, particularly if it’s by a Kawartha photographer).
To see our daily shares of photos, follow us on Instagram @kawarthanow and check out our feed’s highlight reels for recaps of every month in 2019.
#1. Sunrise at Lock 31 in Buckhorn by Nicole Michaelov @thewildinwe
Posted September 1, 2019. 10,219 impressions, 739 likes
#2. Local monarch butterflies by Barry Killen @theburleighridge_beareh, Eileen Kimmett @eileen_kimmett, Bruce Hoover @hoover_bruce, Steve Paul @thepollin8tor, Dwayne Hall @dwayne_hall, and dlb_photos @dlb_photos
Posted September 19, 2019. 8,342 impressions, 582 likes
Photos of monarchs by local photographers in honour of the launch of The Monarch Ultra Project, where ultra-marathon relay runners follow the 4,300-kilometre migratory path of the monarch from Peterborough to Mexico.
#3. Stoney Lake island by Scott Pearson @scottp.to
Posted September 27, 2019. 8,032 impressions, 662 likes
#4. Great Blue Heron on Little Lake by Barry Killen @theburleighridge_beareh
Posted September 25, 2019. 7,717 impressions, 979 likes
#5. Moose in North Kawartha by Woodview Golf @woodview_golf
Posted September 28, 2019. 7,404 impressions, 612 likes
#6. Paddling to Grubbe Island on Stoney Lake by Scott Pearson @scottp.to
Posted September 17, 2019. 7,355 impressions, 640 likes
#7. Misty morning in Buckhorn by Nicole Michaelov @thewildinwe
Posted September 8, 2019. 7,200 impressions, 573 likes
#8. Sunset at Lovesick Lake by SFC Photography (Shannon Connolly) @sfcphotography_
Posted September 18, 2019. 7,097 impressions, 569 likes
#9. Gilchrist Bay in Stoney Lake by rcamp14 @rcamp14
Posted September 14, 2019. 7,072 impressions, 559 likes