For the fifth day in a row, Pinecrest Nursing Home is reporting no additional deaths of residents at the long-term care facility in Bobcaygeon.
The number of people who have died from COVID-19 at the home remains at 29.
“We are fortunate to report, for the fifth day in a row, there are no new deaths at Pinecrest Nursing Home,” the home’s administrator Mary Carr shared in an update to the community on Tuesday (April 14).
“We are also pleased to welcome a few staff members back to the team. I want to thank all our staff for their diligence in providing safe and compassionate care to our residents.”
Carr also says that the home currently has a surplus of personal protective equipment (PPE) that they will be sharing with other facilities.
“Our staff continue to have access to the PPE they need at all times while working in the home. We currently have a surplus of PPE and are working to share much-needed supplies with other homes in the province.”
“Our home is committed to working with other long-term care homes, our partners at Haliburton, Kawartha, Pine Ridge District Health Unit and with the Ministry of Health to ensure all new and ongoing care directives are implemented. The health and safety of our residents and our staff is, and always has been, our number one priority.”
Carr also noted that the Bobcaygeon and Area COVID-19 Relief Fund has raised more than $100,000 in donations.
“I want to again acknowledge the support from the community. The Bobcaygeon and Area COVID-19 Relief Fund, created two weeks ago to support the needs of people affected by coronavirus, has now received more than $100,000 in donations. This fund, along with many other daily acts of kindness, illustrates what our community is made of, and how we will get through this together.”