Ross Memorial Hospital in Lindsay has administered the 25,000th dose of COVID-19 vaccine at its drive-through clinic at the Lindsay Exhibition.
Katie Richardson of Bethany received the 25,000th dose on Friday morning (May 28). The 29-year-old Richardson and her 29-year-old fiancé Alex Gambino were given the vaccine by Lorah Otter, a registered practical nurse at Ross Memorial Hospital.
“As soon as I could get the vaccine, I wanted to get it,” Richardson said after receiving her vaccine. “I had the day off work and am eligible, so I decided to come. It was a really good experience, really efficient. I feel good.”
The 25,000 doses delivered at the hospital’s clinic — all of which have been the Pfizer vaccine — represent more than a third of all vaccine doses administered in the Haliburton, Kawartha, Pine Ridge District Health Unit’s region, which includes Northumberland County, Haliburton County, and the City of Kawartha Lakes.
A total of 74,661 doses have vaccine have been administered to date in Kawartha Lakes, Northumberland, and Haliburton. In Kawartha Lakes, almost 54 per cent of residents 12 years and older have received at least one dose of vaccine.
Ross Memorial Hospital’s COVID-19 vaccination clinic is supported by the local health unit, the City of Kawartha Lakes, Kawartha Lakes Paramedic Services, and the Lindsay Exhibition where the clinic has been operating Monday to Friday since March 18. The clinic operates as a drive-through model, with people remaining in their vehicles for the duration of their appointment.

“Our mission from the outset was to organize and operate the clinic so that it runs efficiently, effectively, and above else, safely for everyone who attends,” says Ross Memorial’s vaccination clinic manager Jennifer Burns-West.
“A big thank you is in order for the support of our clinic partners and to our on-site Ross Memorial staff as this has truly been an all-hands-on-deck operation. I am very proud of how our efforts have been received by the community.”