An Omemee woman is going to shave her head in support of brain tumour research.
Britney Krzeminsk launched a fundraiser earlier this month in support of the Brain Tumour Foundation of Canada after someone she loves was diagnosed with a brain tumour in June.
“Through their journey it has become clear to me how important continued research into treatment of brain tumours is,” Britney writes on CanadaHelps. “We have come a long way, but there is still work to be done in getting anyone diagnosed with a brain tumour life-saving treatment and care.”
As an added incentive to donors, Britney offered to cut lengths off her 28-inch mane of hair if she met her fundraising goals.
If she reached her $1,500 goal, she promised to shave her head completely — and she’s already raised over $2,000 with a month left to go.
Britney is a registered veterinary technician at Omemee Veterinary Hospital, and has also worked for the Ontario Turtle Conservation Centre, helping to care for and rehabilitate injured native Ontario turtles.

Omemee Veterinary Hospital is also supporting Britney’s cause, by donating proceeds from its $10 cash ‘fear free’ nail trims in September to the Brain Tumour Foundation of Canada.
If you’d like to support Britney’s fundraiser, which ends on October 16, you can donate at canadahelps.org/en/pages/britneys-head-shave-fundraiser/.
Britney will be donating her cut hair to Chai Lifeline Canada, a non-profit organization based in Toronto that makes wigs for those who have lost their hair due to illness.