An Omemee woman has made good on her promise to shave her head in support of brain tumour research.
Earlier this fall, Britney Krzeminsk launched a fundraiser in support of the Brain Tumour Foundation of Canada after someone she loves was diagnosed with a brain tumour in June. As an added incentive to donors, Britney offered to cut lengths off her 28-inch mane of hair if she met her fundraising goals.
If she reached her total $1,500 goal, she promised to shave her head completely.
By the end of her fundraising campaign, Britney had raised $4,100 — almost three times her original goal.
So, on Sunday (October 24), which was Brain Cancer Awareness Day in Canada, Britney visited Glenda’s Place Hair Salon in Peterborough, where owner Glenda Shields came in on her day off to personally cut off three 28-inch braids of Britney’s hair — and then proceeded to shave Britney’s head.
“Due to the huge success of my fundraiser, my husband and my mom also got in on the head-shaving action,” Britney writes in a Facebook post.

In addition to the funds she has raised for the Brain Tumour Foundation of Canada, Britney has donated her cut hair to Chai Lifeline Canada, a non-profit organization based in Toronto that makes wigs for those who have lost their hair due to illness.
Britney is a registered veterinary technician at Omemee Veterinary Hospital, and has also worked for the Ontario Turtle Conservation Centre, helping to care for and rehabilitate injured native Ontario turtles.
Omemee Veterinary Hospital also supported Britney’s cause, raising $515 for the Brain Tumour Foundation of Canada during September by donating proceeds from its $10 cash ‘fear free’ nail trims.