Peterborough-Kawartha MP Michelle Ferreri has come under fire on social media for describing herself as a “single mom with six children” in the House of Commons on Tuesday (March 22).
The Conservative MP made the comment during a debate on an opposition day motion for tax reduction on gasoline and diesel. The motion, introduced by the Conservative Party, calls on the government “to immediately provide relief at the pumps to all Canadians by introducing a temporary 5% reduction on gasoline and diesel whether collected under the GST, HST, or QST which would reduce the average price by approximately eight cents per litre.”
After Ferreri spoke in support of the motion, including by giving examples of Peterborough-Kawartha constituents who are struggling financially, Mark Gerretsen, Liberal MP for Kingston and the Islands and parliamentary secretary to the leader of the government in the House of Commons, responded.
“Madam Speaker, this motion would essentially ask that all individuals get the exact same rebate when they are filling up for gas,” Gerretsen said. “I am very fortunate that I can afford the extra amount. Given the fact that I have a good job, I am able to do that.”
Gerretsen, who has three children with his wife and who, like Fererri, receives an annual base salary of $182,600, suggested MPs like himself and Ferreri can afford to pay taxes on fuel.
“I imagine that this member is in the same position as me,” he said. “Does she not think that it would be better to take money that has been collected and make sure it is invested in those, like those she mentioned, who are struggling the most? Is that not what social programs are all about, which is the redistribution of wealth as opposed to giving breaks to individuals who might not necessarily need it, like me or, as I would suggest, like her?”
1. We do not feel sorry for you and your $182k MP salary @mferreriptbokaw
2. This is news to your constituents that you are a single mom of 6?!?! Trying to shame @MarkGerretsen with a complete LIE. #cdnpoli #PtboKawartha #Ptbo pic.twitter.com/rapEZ6RKZ1— Samantha Burke (@samanthalburke) March 22, 2022
“Madam Speaker, it is unfortunate the honourable member does not know my situation as a single mom with six children, but I appreciate it,” Ferreri said in response to Gerretsen’s comments. “It is very important that we recognize that everybody needs a break right now. Without a healthy economy, we do not have a surplus to put back into social services. That is not how it works. We need a healthy economy.”
“If people cannot afford to spend money at local businesses and people cannot afford to buy groceries, there is no surplus to put back into social services. The compassionate thing to do here is to help people with their ability to pay their bills so that they do not have that stress at night. This is a mental health crisis.”
According to her website, Ferreri is mother to three children between the ages of 12 and 17 from a relationship with her former spouse, and is currently in a relationship with Ryan Moore, who is father to three children from a relationship with his former spouse.
After a video of her comment was shared on Twitter, some people objected to Ferreri calling herself a single mother and implying that she is raising six children by herself.
“Your statement is deceptive at best,” reads one comment on Twitter. “Certainly offensive to real single mothers who are struggling.”
“As someone who has lived on one income, needed urgent subsidized childcare for three kids, and did not receive child support, I find this disgusting,” reads another.
“I was a single mom,” writes another person. “One income no child support and no supportive partner at one time. I am truly outraged.”
After kawarthaNOW reached out to Ferreri’s office for comment, her parliamentary assistant provided the following response.
“MP Ferreri is not interested in doing an interview on this. While our office is always happy to comment on articles, this is unfortunately not one we are open to discussing. This is a private matter. Yes, she is a single mom of three kids, and shares custody with her partner’s three kids.”
According to a relative of Moore’s former spouse, the mother of Moore’s three children has custody of the children for six nights of the week. kawarthaNOW reached out to Ferreri’s former spouse about their custody arrangements, but he declined to comment.