If you’re waiting to get a dose of the recently approved COVID-19 Moderna XBB.1.5 vaccine, which better protects against the new omicron XBB subvariant of the virus, the good news is that Peterborough Public Health has received an initial shipment of the vaccine.
The bad news is that the new vaccine may not be available to you unless you fall within the two highest priority groups eligible to receive the new vaccine.
“We are underway on vaccinating residents in the first two eligibility groups and have clinics ready for all residents ages six months and older,” reads a media release from Peterborough Public Health on Friday (October 6). “Priority for appointments will be given to those in eligibility groups one and two.”
The first and highest priority eligible group includes people who are hospitalized and hospital staff, along with residents, staff, and caregivers in long-term care homes and elder care lodges.
The next highest priority group are people at high risk of complications from influenza or COVID-19 or hospitalization — including residents and staff of congregate living settings, pregnant women, Indigenous people and their household members, people 65 years of age and older, and children from six months to four years of age — and health care workers and first responders.
The final and lowest priority eligible group are members of the general public who have not received a COVID-19 vaccine with the last six months. The vaccine will be administered to this group as soon as the supply permits. It’s not yet clear when that will be.
Residents who are eligible for a vaccination can book an appointment through the provincial vaccine booking centre call line at 1-833-943-3900 or online at ontario.ca/bookvaccine.
Two other vaccines that target the new omicron XBB subvariant of the virus may also soon be available. On September 28, Health Canada approved the Pfizer-BioNTech Comirnaty COVID-19 vaccine for those six months of age and older, and is reviewing a submission from Novavax for its COVID-19 vaccine targeting the omicron XBB subvariant for people 12 years of age and older.
“Canada will have ample supply of the new formulation of mRNA vaccines available in fall 2023,” according to Health Canada’s statement about the Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine approval.
As for influenza vaccines, Peterborough Public Health expects them to be available later in October.