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Articles by GreenUP

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For more than 30 years, Peterborough GreenUP has been central and eastern Ontario's leading environmental organization focused on education, sustainability, and stewardship. GreenUP is a non-profit charitable organization and an active community organization that offers dozens of programs and services to those living in Peterborough and Kawartha Lakes. For more information, visit greenup.on.ca
The Talwood neigbourhood in Peterborough has the highest population density in the city. Community gardens such as the Talwood Community Garden shown here are one way to address equality of access to fresh, healthy, and culturally appropriate foods. (Photo: Jillian Bishop)

For Local Food Month in Peterborough, let’s both celebrate and protect our local food...

Buy from local farmers, support farm workers' rights, and put issues like food equity and food insecurity on the election menu.
Active school travel can include walking, wheeling, or cycling to school, as well as taking a school bus. This year, GreenUP's Active School Travel Peterborough team is offering a contest to encourage families to make climate action part of back-to-school routines. The "Frame Your Trip" photo contest give you a chance to win prizes and awards when you share photographs of active school travel with GreenUP. (Photo: Rellinger Photography for GreenUP)

Peterborough families can take climate action this fall with active school travel and ‘roll...

Win prizes and awards in GreenUP's 'Frame Your Trip' contest where you share photos of your active school travel.
All eight turtle species found in Ontario are considered at risk or endangered, including the Blanding's turtle. Dr. Sue Carstairs, executive and medical director of the Ontario Turtle Conservation Centre, says this is her favourite species of turtle because of its calm demeanour and how it always seems to look like it's smiling. (Photo: Joe Crowley)

Be a hero for the half-shell and protect Ontario’s threatened turtles

You can help by rescuing turtles crossing roads, protecting turtle nests, and reporting turtle sightings.
With some planning and effort, you can send your kids back to school with eco-friendly packed lunches. Reusable stainless-steel and silicone lunch containers, like the ones made by PlanetBox, are an excellent way to keep food fresh and plastic-free. While more expensive that their disposable alternatives, they will last a long time and you and your kids will feel good about helping the environment. (Photo: Geneviève Ramage)

Litterless lunches can ease your child’s return to school while helping the environment

GreenUP provides 10 tips for packing lunches that reduce waste going to the landfill.
In 2021, the City of Peterborough is again offering subsidies of up to $500 to eligible homeowners who install rain gardens on their properties. Many trees, shrubs, grasses, sedges, and flowers are well-suited to rain gardens including a number of native species such as blue flag iris. (Photo: Hayley Goodchild)

Peterborough residents can get up to $500 to install a rain garden on their...

GreenUP hosting a rain garden design workshop on August 24 for approved applicants to City of Peterborough's rain garden subsidy program.
Volunteers who have helped plant gardens at the Depave Paradise projects that GreenUP has hosted in recent years have enjoyed the chance to build their friendship with nature and their local community by giving back a healthier greenspace where once there was only asphalt. (Photo: Karen Halley)

Connecting with nature: if your friend was in trouble, would you help?

Looking at our relationship with nature as a friendship provides a framework for understanding and taking action on climate change.
Over three days, 18 volunteers moved 37 cubic yards of material to create this new 100-square-metre Depave Paradise garden in Lakefield, at Winfield Shores Harbour. The goal of Depave Paradise is to use people power to remove pavement and allow rain to soak into the ground where it lands. This reduces localized flooding and improves the health of urban watersheds. (Photo: Genevieve Ramage)

New green spaces in Lakefield and Peterborough have ecological and social benefits

Two GreenUP projects create urban gardens at Winfield Shores Harbour and at Five Counties Children's Centre.
Hayley Goodchild of Peterborough GreenUP and Shaelyn Wabegijig of the Kawartha World Issues Centre are the project coordinators for a local initiative to implement five priority areas (Indigenous leadership, poverty eradication, clean water and sanitation, quality education, and climate action) from the 17 sustainable development goals adopted by the United Nations in 2015. After working on the initaitive since last year, the pair recently met for the first time in person at GreenUP's Ecology Park. (Photo: Genevieve Ramage)

Coming together to build a better Nogojiwanong/Peterborough and a better world

Next steps from five action teams on implementing the United Nations' sustainable development goals locally.
Cyclists enjoying the popular Rotary Greenway Trail in Peterborough's East City in 2017. When non-cyclists see people on bikes, they may want to take part but may need some support to develop skills or access equipment. GreenUP's 'Finding Balance' pilot program in 2020 was created to meet that need. (Photo: Lindsay Stroud)

Helping Peterborough residents overcome the barriers to try cycling

GreenUP's 'Finding Balance' program provided adults with skills, knowledge, and confidence to use bicycles for affordable transportation or for fun.
One of Leif Einarson's children copies out the Ojibwe words and their pronunciations provided as an additional resource in Joanne Robertson's "The Water Walker", one of 10 books, recorded talks, and more recommended by Peterborough GreenUP. (Photo: Leif Einarson)

A top 10 summer listening list for truth and reconciliation

GreenUP's recommendations for books and recorded talks to open conversations, including with kids.

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