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Articles by GreenUP

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For more than 30 years, Peterborough GreenUP has been central and eastern Ontario's leading environmental organization focused on education, sustainability, and stewardship. GreenUP is a non-profit charitable organization and an active community organization that offers dozens of programs and services to those living in Peterborough and Kawartha Lakes. For more information, visit greenup.on.ca
GreenUP is excited to invite volunteers and members of the public to join our Sustainable Urban Neighbourhoods planting event at Back Dam Park (902 Rock Road, Warsaw) on Friday, September 25, 2020, from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m.. Participants of all ages can join GreenUP for the planting and launch of Action Plan for Water in Warsaw. To ensure event safety, GreenUP is requiring registration by email in advance. (Photo: GreenUP)

Help GreenUP plant a new garden at Back Dam Park in Warsaw on September...

Shoreline planting will enhance park's visual appeal, improve quality of surface water, and provide pollinator habitat.
The wisdom, kindness, and leadership of neighbours and our local business community are vital lifelines in times of change and crisis such as the COVID-19 pandemic and climate change. Supporting local agriculture, such as McLeans Berry Farm (pictured), is one way to reduce carbon emissions. (Photo courtesy of Peterborough and the Kawarthas Economic Development)

What the COVID-19 pandemic can teach us about the fight against climate change

Both of these huge and complex global problems require behavioural change, political and economic leadership, and societal equity.
Labour Day celebrates the collective accomplishments of the labour movement in improving working conditions and justice for workers, as symbolized by this memorial in Millennium Park erected by the Peterborough District Labour Council and dedicated to workers past, present, and future. A post-pandemic economic recovery plan that invests in environmentally sustainable industries could create millions of sustainable jobs for Canadians, vibrant and resilient communities, and improve the lives of marginalized workers. (Photo: Lester Balajadia)

How the green economy can further the labour movement in the post-pandemic era

COVID-19 has shown that a healthy economy and decent work depend on a healthy environment.
If it's an option for your children, using active transportation methods to get to and from school is an excellent way for students to get some exercise and maintain physical distancing during the pandemic. (Photo: GreenUP)

Walking or wheeling to school is an even better option during the pandemic

Active school travel is healthier for both you and your children and can help reduce stress.
GreenUP staff help to maintain a boulevard rain garden in Peterborough. Surprisingly, many of the solutions to drought are also solutions for flood conditions. For example, a rain garden of drought-tolerant plants can survive periods of little rain, and it can also help absorb heavy rain, preventing water run-off from overwhelming the sewer infrastructure. (Photo courtesy of GreenUP)

How to prepare your property for both droughts and floods

Conserving water and mitigating flood risks are becoming increasingly important in our changing climate.
It's International Lazy Day on August 10th, and you can still help the environment even when you're kicking back and taking it easy. If you're thinking about planting a tree on your property, take the lazy approach to planning. Survey how the sun hits your yard during the day from the comfort of your favourite chair or hammock, and don't forget a cool drink. (Photo: Leif Einarson / GreenUP)

You can be lazy and still help the environment

Here are three ways you can sit back, relax, and help the environment on International Lazy Day on August 10.
The water we drink undergoes many filtration and purification processes at the water treatment plant in Peterborough before it is pumped to our taps. It is tested 20,000 times per year or once every 30 minutes to ensure it is safe for us to consume. (Photo: Benjamin Hargreaves / GreenUP)

From the Otonabee River to your tap: the science of water treatment in Peterborough

The last of a three-part series from Peterborough GreenUP on water conservation and infrastructure.
To help reduce water usage outside your home, plant native drought-tolerant plants like this black-eyed Susan. It's a good way to help your garden stay beautiful, even during a drought. (Photo: GreenUP)

How to conserve water outside your home during times of drought

The second of a three-part series from Peterborough GreenUP on water conservation and infrastructure.
Leaky plumbing accounts for roughly 12 per cent of our water usage each day. Fixing these leaks is a great way to limit unnecessary water use. (Photo: Benjamin Hargreaves / GreenUP)

How to conserve water inside your home during times of drought

The first of a three-part series from Peterborough GreenUP on water conservation and infrastructure.
Like many local businesses, the GreenUP Store has adapted to survive the COVID-19 pandemic and reopened to the public on July 8, 2020. GreenUP has long offered energy reduction programs to businesses in the City of Peterborough, and is taking the next step to support local business action through the development of Green Economy Peterborough. Green Economy Peterborough can help ensure local businesses are in a strong position to benefit from future climate funding or green stimulus programs. (Photo: Benjamin Hargreaves)

Stimulus funding can kickstart a greener and more resilient economy

Green Economy Peterborough will help local businesses prepare for the future green economy.

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