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Articles by GreenUP
Saturday is Environment Day in the City of Peterborough
Dispose of unwanted household items for free, including electronics, video and audio tapes, car seats, vinyl records, and more.
Container gardening is for everyone
GreenUp's Karen Halley shares her experience and tips for creating your own mini garden.
Shift gears during the month of May and connect with your city
Walk, cycle, carpool, take the bus, and more during Peterborough's annual transportation challenge.
Go beyond the three Rs this Earth Week
Take advantage of the sharing economy through the Peterborough Tool Library, Repair Cafe, reBOOT, and B!KE.
The plight of the bumblebee
Six ways you can help prevent the decline of this gentle pollinator.
Improving energy conservation improves the bottom line
GreenUp relaunches its Green Business Peterborough program witha focus on small business.
Become a wise water neighbour and get recognized
New GreenUP and Peterborough Utilities program encourages Peterborough residents to conserve water.
Spring away from Styrofoam
How to reduce your use of polystyrene products and recycle some of the ones you use.
Eager gardeners can start planting seeds indoors right now
How to start growing your plants and prepare them for transplanting outdoors in May.
Grade 8 students ride Peterborough Transit for free during March Break
Transit Quest program helps youth learn how to use public transportation to get around.