Almost 20 years ago, Catherine left a lucrative career in the financial sector in Toronto to raise her son just north of Port Hope. Having moved far too many times as a child, Catherine wanted a place to call home where she and her son (and their two dogs) could put down roots.
She fell in love with an old farmhouse that needed more TLC than most were willing to dish out.
Catherine and her family made do as they breathed new life into the old house — and they prospered as the house prospered.
“It was the most fun time of my life,” Catherine says. “We had a place to come home to and it didn’t matter what state it was in. For four years we didn’t have a proper kitchen, having made the choice to shore up the house’s foundation instead. We did without, but had fun along the way.”
During that time, Catherine was pursuing a marketing and design career and felt she needed direction, strategies, and better money-management skills. She tried to find a financial planning partner but she was unable to connect with the right person. This led her to consider becoming a financial planner herself. Because of her prior experience in the financial sector, Catherine was able to fast track her required licensing.
“Financial planning speaks to my skill sets,” explains Catherine. “I’m right and left brain enabled and this allows me to relay information to clients in a way best suited to them.”
“If a client is a very visual learner, I can illustrate my point graphically. If they are more analytical, I find the use of numbers and charts more effective. It’s all about tailoring the presentation to fit the client.”
As part of the Investors Group team, Catherine is able to offer a full suite of financial services to both individuals and businesses.
She is supported by an incredible team of industry-related professionals, including accountants, tax, retirement and estate experts, mortgage specialists, economists, lawyers, and insurance and securities specialists. This network of support and expertise empowers Catherine to develop the best strategies for clients.
This includes business clients, who benefit from individual pension plans, group retirement plans, and group benefit plans tailored to each member of the company — from entry level positions to the senior level.
Catherine also provides financial planning to individuals and families to help them reach their important goals.
“I’ve helped young families plan for the purchase of their first home,” recounts Catherine. “And I’ve helped older couples plan for their retirement, while taking into account the needs of their aging parents. It means finding the best strategies and adjusting for the unplanned eventualities that we all must cope with at one time or another. It’s how we create the physical plan.”
Arming clients with financial literacy and knowledge is very important to Catherine. It’s an integral part of the service she provides to each client.
For example, while men have traditionally been more financially savvy than women, statistics tell us that women outlive men. According to the 2006 Canada Census, women have a life expectancy 4.8 years longer than men (82.5 years for women versus 77.7 years for men). So what happens when a woman is left to deal with the financial responsibilities of the household without any prior knowledge?

It’s this kind of information that drives Catherine to ensure all clients — both men and women — understand all aspects of their financial plan, with a level of financial literacy that gives them confidence for the future.
Both as part of Investors Group and on her own, Catherine volunteers with a number of local charities, including Habitat for Humanity in Northumberland.
“I believe strongly in this organization,” Catherine says, “because it provides a hand up, not a hand out.” Families must provide 500 hours of sweat equity before they are eligible to qualify for their own house. Catherine’s hands-on involvement teaches participants the value of money and budgeting, giving them the knowledge and strength to succeed.
“My focus as a financial planner is being of value to others,” Catherine explains. “I want to help them create a life that’s a lot more fun — and a lot less stressful.”

Catherine Dewar
Investors Group Financial Services Inc.
1743 Lansdowne St. West
Peterborough, ON K9K 1R2
Telephone: 705-876-1282 x249
Cell: 905-396-4366
Fax: 705-741-4165
Email: catherine.dewar@investorsgroup.com