City of Kawartha Lakes
Effective August 9th, 2016, City of Kawartha Lakes Fire Services has implemented a complete fire ban for the Kawartha Lakes due to extremely dry weather conditions.
No permits will be issued during the ban. Those found not in compliance may be subjected to fines as identified in Open-Air By-law 2016-110.
North Hastings
As of August 5th, a total fire ban is in effect for all of North Hastings area, which includes the Town of Bancroft, the Municipality of Hastings Highlands, Faraday Township, Wollaston Township, Tudor/Cashel Township, Carlow/Mayo Township, and Limerick Township.
Any persons found violating this ban could face applicable fines and/or charges. Anyone deemed liable for a fire incident during this ban will face any and all costs incurred as a result of the fire department’s response and actions taken to extinguish said fire.
North Kawartha
North Kawartha, the most northern township of Peterborough County, implemented a burn ban effective Wednesday, August 3rd, indicating on their website that “a total fire ban is in place due to extremely dry conditions within the Township of North Kawartha. Absolutely no open air burning is permitted.”
North Kawartha includes most of Kawartha Highlands Provincial Park as well as Apsley, Woodview and the north shore of Stoney Lake. Residents, cottagers, campers and visitors should check their website for updates at www.northkawartha.on.ca.
Haliburton County
As of Wednesday, August 10th, the County of Haliburton (including the Municipality of Highlands East) has declared a total fire ban. This includes both day and night burning.
There are no exceptions for warmth or cooking, unless you are preparing a meal on a propane barbeque.
Selwyn Township
Selwyn Township does not currently have a full ban, but fires are restricted to night time, small campfire burning only. No permits are currently being issued for daytime burning. Residents are advised to consult the open Air Burning By Law, in PDF format available at www.selwyntownship.ca.
Otonabee South Monaghan
The Township of Otonabee-South Monaghan is currently under a full burn ban effective July 29, 2016. Hiawatha First Nation is also under a burn ban, under the authority of Chief Greg Cowie. There is no burning permitted within the Township or in Hiawatha First Nation until further notice. Their website will be updated should any conditions to the burn ban be changed, please visit www.osmtownship.ca.
Effective July 29th, Due to the continued dry conditions in the Township of Douro-Dummer, as well as data from the Wildland Fire Information System, the Township is enabling a fire ban through By-law 2015-05. No open air burning will be allowed, with the exception of campgrounds as defined within the By-law. These campgrounds must meet the requirements set out in the By-law if they choose to utilize the exemption. Another factor for enacting this fire ban is that some water sources are no longer available which could lead to shuttling water from further distances, delaying extinguishment. www.dourodummer.on.ca.
Asphodel Norwood
Effective July 19th, Asphodel Norwood issued a complete ban as outlined on their website. (Link is PDF format) www.AsphodelNorwood.com.
Trent Lakes
Effective August 3rd, Fire Chief Don Mitchell issued a burn ban for the Municipality of Trent Lakes effective immediately. Absolutely no open air burning, all permits are temporarily revoked. This ban will be in place until conditions improve. For updates please refer to the www.trentlakes.ca website.
Cavan Monaghan
The Township of Cavan Monaghan has restricted open air burning. As stated on their website, these restrictions are issued based on the area’s risk of fire due to the lack of precipitation and/or adverse weather conditions (ie: high winds, high smog levels, extreme heat, etc.) Effective immediately, no burning is permitted except for campfires in the evenings from 7:00 p.m. until 6:00 a.m. For further information and guidelines on by-law fire safety please see www.cavanmonaghan.net
A fire ban is in place due to extremely dry conditions within the Township of Havelock-Belmont-Methuen. Absolutely no open air burning is permitted until further notice.
We will continue to update this post as further information is collected from area townships and municipalities.