Millbrook’s native daughter, musician Serena Ryder, is featured in a recent video promoting Kejimkujik National Park in Nova Scotia.
The video, called “The Many Sides Of Keji”, was produced for Parks Canada by Far and Wide, a Canadian travel website operated by Much.
“If you call the park Kejimkujik, it means you’re not from Nova Scotia,” Serena says in the video. “Here, it’s simply known as Keji.”
VIDEO: Serena Ryder in “The Many Sides Of Keji” – Far and Wide
In the five-minute video filmed during the summer, Serena explores the cultural history of the park with her friend Gemma Capone (who was Serena’s stylist on her latest video “Got Your Number”).
You can see Serena paddling in a canoe and singing and playing her travel guitar, visiting the petroglyphs, playing a Mi’kmaq community drum in a traditional wigwam, crabbing at the seaside, taking a ghost walk at the Fort Anne National Historic Site, and playing the harmonica and singing around a campfire.
“This trip meant a lot to me,” Serena says in the video. “I got to know Gemma and I was able to experience a new part of Canada I’ve never been to before, but hope to visit again. Keji will always have a piece of my heart.”