New lathe at Goodwin Metal Products
Terry Northey, the owner of Goodwin Metal Products at 298 Edinburgh Street in Peterborough, recently added a brand new sophisticated Computer Numeric Control (CNC) lathe that he’d like everyone to know about.
The lathe can do just about anything up to 8″ diameter by 60″ long, with a 12″ chuck, including driveshaft repair, welding and fabricating, CNC machining, driveline balancing, line boring, millwrighting, spray welding, and custom machining.
For more information about Goodwin Metal Products (they’ve been in business for 98 years!), visit
New location for J & M Automotive

J & M Automotive have officially opened the doors of their new location at 1042 County Road 19 in Peterborough, between Chemong Road and Hilliard Street.
Owners Jesse Maudsley and Melissa Corrin opened the business 4-1/2 years ago on Water Street North. The new location is bigger and better with more parking, a bigger waiting room and five bays instead of two.
J & M Automotive is a full-service shop doing service and repair on all domestic and imported cars and trucks.
Visit or find them on Facebook.
Inclusive Advisory

Inclusive Advisory recently opened in downtown Peterborough at 521 George Street (kitty corner from City Hall).
The concept brings together accountants, lawyers, and investment advisors in an innovative and team-based approach to financial advisory.
For more information, call 705-743-0266.
Two new local history books

I love local history books and I have two good ones for you this week.
The first is by local historian Gord Young and it’s about the Quaker fire. Called A Dark Day in Peterborough, the book chronicles the December 11th, 1916 fire that took the lives of 24 workers. It’s a gripping 200 pages that took Gord 12 years to research and write. It’s available at Chapters, the Canoe Museum, Sullivan’s Pharmacy, Happenstance and the IDA Pharmacy in Lakefield, Craftworks, and the Chamber of Commerce.
And local author Ed Arnold has published his 13th book, called Young Enough to Die. It’s the story of Robert Henderson, who at 17 was convicted of the murder of 74-year-old Margaret MacPherson of Norwood. In 1910, Henderson was the youngest person in Canada to be hanged. The book is available at the Peterborough Examiner Offices in East City or the Peterborough County offices on Water Street.