This week, we feature the return of the award-winning Bears’ Lair Entrepreneurial Competition, federal and provincial funding for a project to studying freight rail along the Peterborough-Toronto-Havelock-Blue Mountain rail corridor, the reopening of Natas Café in downtown Peterborough, and nominations for the Northumberland 2017 Business Achievement Awards.
We also highlight business events this month from the Peterborough Chamber of Commerce, Women’s Business Network of Peterborough, Peterborough DBIA, the Kawartha Chamber of Commerce & Tourism, and more.
Bears’ Lair orientation session on January 16
The annual Bears’ Lair entrepreneurial competition is hosting an orientation session at the Greater Peterborough Chamber of Commerce (175 George St., Peterborough) from 6 to 7:30 p.m. on Tuesday, January 16th.
The purpose of the session is to answer questions about how to apply for the next competition, which opens on January 16th. The deadline for applications will be March 2nd, with a showcase of semi-finalists taking place on February 27th, where local judges will select the six finalists. The final pitch will take place on April 10th at The Venue in downtown Peterborough.
The orientation session is free, but participants are asked to register at eventbrite.ca.
Last October, Bears’ Lair received the prestigious Community Economic Development Award of Excellence at Community Futures Ontario’s 24th Annual Conference.
Federal and provincial governments fund project to analyze Peterborough-Toronto freight rail

On December 21st, Peterborough-Kawartha MP Maryma Monsef and Peterborough MPP Jeaf Leal announced a joint federal-provincial investment into the Peterborough-Toronto Freight Rail Analysis project.
The project will define freight infrastructure requirements and outline the projected economic impact of potential future freight rail improvements along the Peterborough-Toronto-Havelock-Blue Mountain rail corridor. Specifically, the project will evaluate the benefits and impacts associated with enabling increased freight rail capacity along the corridor.
The Government of Canada and the Government of Ontario are each providing up to $65,000 towards this project, for which some economic and engineering work has already been completed.
Natas Café reopens after November fire in downtown Peterborough

Natas Café in downtown Peterborough reopened on Friday, December 22nd, exactly five weeks after suffering damage as a result of a fire in an adjacent building.
The fire on November 16th began on the roof of 370-374 George Street North, a building that housed soap store Simple and Ash Nayler Photography on the second floor. While firefighters were able to contain the fire to the building, the adjacent Natas Café suffered serious water damage.
The cost of repairs was covered by insurance, which also allowed the café to continue to pay staff during the five weeks the popular destination was closed for business.
Simple and Ash Naylor Photography, the other two businesses affected by the first, have also reopened in alternate locations, with Simple selling products over the holidays from a temporary kiosk at Peterborough Square.
Natas Café is open from 7:30 a.m. to 9:30 p.m. Monday to Thursday, 7:30 a.m. to 10 p.m. on Friday, 8:30 a.m. to 10 p.m. on Saturday, and 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. on Sunday. For more information, visit www.natascafe.com.
January 5th deadline for nominations for Northumberland 2017 Business Achievement Awards
The Northumberland Central Chamber of Commerce and the Town of Cobourg are seeking nominations for outstanding business achievement in nine categories (Business & Consumer Services, Communications & Technology, Health & Wellness, Hospitality & Tourism, Manufacturing & Agribusiness, Non-Profit Sector, Retail Trade Sector, Skilled Trades Sector, and New Start Up).
To qualify, a business must receive three independent nominations and operate within the Town of Cobourg, the Township of Alnwick/Haldimand, or Hamilton Township. With the exception of the New Start Up category, a business must have been operating for at least two years.
Nominations close on Friday, January 5, 2018, with the Awards Presentation Ceremony taking place on Friday, February 23, 2018 at the Best Western Plus Cobourg Inn & Convention Centre.
For more information and to submit a nomination online, visit the Northumberland Central Chamber of Commerce at nccofc.ca/form/view/10851.
Peterborough Chamber breakfast meeting, PBX, and Lunch Box Learning in January
The Peterborough Chamber of Commerce is hosting three events in January.
First up on Tuesday, January 9th is the Chamber AM breakfast meeting from 7 to 8:30 a.m. at Carousel Restaurant (116 Lansdowne St. E., Peterborough), featuring guest speaker Gwyneth James of Cody & James CPAs Professional Corporation. She will be speaking on the topic of Bill 148.
Later the same day is the Peterborough Business Exchange (PBX) networking event taking place from 4 to 6 p.m. at Community Care Peterborough (185 Hunter St. E., Peterborough).
Both events are free (you pay for what you order at the breakfast event) and are open to Chamber members or those considering Chamber membership.
The next Lunch Box Learning session takes place from noon to 1 p.m. on Wednesday, January 17th at the Peterborough Chamber of Commerce boardroom (175 George St. N., Peterborough). Toby McLeod of Stradegy.ca will speak on the topic “Website Roadmap: Learn how to turn your website into a business asset that makes you money, instead of costing you money and opportunities”.
The session is open to Chamber members and members of the Women’s Business Network of Peterborough.
Peterborough County Cattlemen AGM on January 9
Peterborough County Cattlemen is holding its annual general meeting at 7 p.m. on Tuesday, January 9th at the Douro Community Centre (2893 Highway 28 and County Road 4, Douro).
To vote or stand for office, beef farmers must have paid check-off in 2017. All resolutions must be delivered to President Dave Cavanagh prior to the beginning of the meeting.
For more information, contact Dave Cavanagh at 705-740-5212 or a Cattlemen’s Director.
Women’s Business Network of Peterborough Annual Member Tradeshow and Workshops on January 10
The Women’s Business Network of Peterborough (WBN) is hosting its annual member tradeshow and workshops at Highland Park Funeral Centre (2510 Bensfort Rd., Peterborough) on Wednesday, January 10th.
In addition to a showcase of businesses and organizations of WBN members, the event features two workshops related to human resources: “Diverse Hiring” by Lori McKee and “Developing High Performing Teams” by Colleen Carruthers.
Networking begins at 5:30 p.m. followed by dinner at 6:30 p.m. WBN members can register at www.womensbusinessnetwork.net.
Trent University at Peterborough Downtown Business Improvement Area Breakfast Network on January 17

The Peterborough Downtown Business Improvement Area (DBIA) will be hosting two speakers from Trent University at the monthly DBIA Breakfast Network on Wednesday, January 17th.
Julie Davis, Vice-President of External Relations, and Alison Scholl, Advancement Community Relations Officer, will be speaking at the event, which takes place at Empress Gardens (131 Charlotte St., Peterborough).
Breakfast begins at 7:30 a.m. followed by the guest speakers at 8 a.m. Tickets are $5 at the door, and the event is open to everyone.
Kawartha Chamber of Commerce & Tourism Business After Hours Lakefield Health and Wellness Hop on January 23

Members of the Kawartha Chamber of Commerce & Tourism will be visiting three Lakefield businesses on Tuesday, January 23rd from 5 to 7 p.m. to learn tips and tricks for wellness in the new year.
The Business After Hours Lakefield Health and Wellness Hop takes place at Salon Sorella & Day Spa, Robyn’s Nest Photography & Beauty, and Cuddles for Cancer.
To register, visit kawarthachamber.ca.
Launch & Learn at Headwaters Community Farm & Education Centre in Cobourg on February 7

Headwaters Community Farm & Education Centre (3517 Rowe Rd, Cobourg) is hosting a “Launch & Learn” from 1 to 3 p.m. on Wednesday, February 7th.
Owners Linda and Tony Armstrong are inviting representatives from organizations to find out more about corporate and wellness day retreats offered at the farm, which is located 10 minutes north of Highway 401 between Port Hope and Cobourg.
The preview includes a sampling of Headwaters’ food and mocktails, a tour of their activity and meeting facilities, a presentation about what the centre has to offer, and a choice of three sample workshops.
To reserve your complimentary spot, email info@headwatersfarm.ca by Wednesday, January 31st.