Outdoor gear retailer Wild Rock Outfitters in downtown Peterborough is asking for the public’s help in solving a break-in.
At around 4 a.m. overnight on Wednesday, January 10th, three men entered the store after bumping the lock on the rear door.
Once inside the store, the men stole a number of Canada Goose parkas.

The trendy and expensive coats (which can retail for $900 or much higher depending on the coat) have been a favourite target of thieves. They are also a source of controversy among animal rights activists, largely for the company’s use of coyote fur to line the jacket hoods.
According to a post today (January 22) on Wild Rock’s Facebook page, the three men who stole the parkas drove a silver mini-van. The vehicle and a couple of the men were captured on security footage.
Wild Rock is offering a jacket of your choice if you can help them locate the thieves. You can contact them directly at 705-745-9133 or call Crime Stoppers at 1-800-222-8477.