Otonabee Conservation is again selling native tree and shrub seedlings this year through its Tree Seedling Program, and you can now order online.
The deadline for ordering is Friday, March 23, 2018.
You can choose seedlings from a variety of coniferous and deciduous trees and wildlife shrubs including White Pine, Eastern White Cedar, Red Oak, Sugar Maple, Highbush Cranberry, and Buttonbush. The trees and shrubs are bare-root seedlings, between one and two years old, and range in size from six to 30 inches.
The minimum order is 25 seedlings of a selected species.
Otonabee Conservation expects the seedlings to arrive at the conservation authority office in late April, at which time you will be contacted and pick-up times arranged.
For more information and to order online, visit www.otonabeeconservation.com/programs/tree-planting/.
“Trees play an important role in maintaining a healthy and resilient natural environment,” says Meredith Carter of Otonabee Conservation.
“Trees and forests protect water quality in our rivers and streams. They provide habitat for birds and other wildlife and they add to the health of our communities by purifying the air and enhancing the environment that surrounds us.”
Here are the available tree and shrub species and the price per unit (25 seedlings). You can order multiple units.
- White Pine – $21.25
- White Spruce – $21.25
- Red Cedar – $21.25
- White Cedar – $22.50
- Red Pine – $23.75
- Burr Oak – $25.00
- Swamp White Oak – $25.00
- Pin Oak – $25.00
- Paper Birch – $25.00
- Black Walnut – $25.00
- Silky Dogwood – $25.00
- Norway Spruce – $27.50
- Balsam Fir – $27.50
- Hackberry – $27.50
- Tulip Tree – $27.50
- Red Osier Dogwood – $27.50
- Buttonbush – $27.50
- River Birch – $27.50
- Grey Dogwood – $31.25
- Choke Cherry – $35.00
- Elderberry – $35.00
- Red Oak – $37.50
- Silver Maple – $37.50
- Bitternut Hickory – $40.00
- Bebb’s Willow – $41.25
- Pussy Willow – $41.25
- Nannyberry – $41.25
- Highbush Cranberry – $42.50
- Shadblow Serviceberry – $42.50
- Allegheny Serviceberry – $42.50
- Sugar Maple – $45.00
- Spicebush – $45.00
- Speckled Alder – $46.25
- Sycamore – $46.25
- European Larch – $50.00
- Red Maple – $50.00
- Ninebark – $50.00
- Saskatoon Serviceberry – $50.00
- Kentucky Coffee Tree – $50.00
- Black Cherry – $60.00
Otonabee Conservation has been involved in tree planting and forest management since the early 1960s. The conservation authority owns and manages 2,309 hectares of forest, hosts the annual Scout Trees Program of Scouts Canada, and plants trees every year in partnership with private landowners and municipalities.
Otonabee Conservation offers the Tree Seedling Program to encourage reforestation of idle or marginal lands, to enhance the diversity of forests and to encourage the sustainability of forests and long-term management of existing forests throughout the watershed region.