Picture a day where dozens of small projects blossom all over Peterborough in some of the most unexpected places. A day for tiny playful moments filled with activities ranging from chalk art, to free hugs, to even a porch concert. Some projects may be bigger lasting efforts, like planting a community garden or creating a mural.
Without a common theme, these activities might appear random to an unsuspecting bystander but together, these playful moments celebrate our power to co-create the city we want to live in. On June 2nd, Peterborough is joining the international grassroots festival known as 100in1Day — and everyone is invited to come out and play!
100in1Day is a festival of positive action that brings complete strangers together for a bit of fun and a little whimsy. The concept is simple: get 100 people in a city to do something positive and do it all on the same day.
100in1Day inspires citizen involvement by creating a platform for people to pilot small-scale projects or ideas to better our city. GreenUP is incredibly pleased to bring this colourful event to life. As the local lead partner, we’re inviting neighbourhoods, artists, school classes, and community groups — everyone — to catch the spirit and create an action.

100in1Day began six years ago in Bogotá, Colombia, when a group of students planned to launch six urban interventions that would show the potential of their city. This all happened over beers, and they decided to be ambitious, invite others, and launch 100 urban interventions that would take place in one day.
Since 2012, the spirit of 100in1Day has spread into an international phenomenon. Peterborough will be one of 13 Canadian cities taking part this year, as part of a national and global 100in1Day network. Powered by Future Cities Canada and in partnership with Evergreen, GreenUP is excited to be leading this new and vibrant Peterborough initiative alongside the national and global 100in1Day network.
Peterborough residents will have a chance to exercise their imagination and community spirit through the 100in1Day festival. Activities can happen anywhere in the city and for any length of time on June 2nd.
It’s your city, your ideas, and your day.

Leading up the 100in1Day festival, residents and community groups can register their interventions online at www.100in1day.org. Once online, activities become part of an integrated map of actions happening all over our city: in parks, alleyways, public spaces, waterfronts, front lawns, porches, and common spaces.
Festival-goers interested in touring 100in1Day actions on June 2nd simply have to visit the website to uncover where and when events are happening. The website also allows users to sort actions by theme: sustainability, solidarity, health and wellness, mobility, and arts and culture.
Peterborough’s 100in1Day has been gaining momentum. This is due to the many 100inDay community workshops that sprang up earlier this month. Local community activator Ben Wolfe of Ben Wolfe Design facilitated three Idea Workshops to help residents develop actions from idea to execution. This level of engagement has had a considerable impact on the event. For example, after attending an Idea Workshop, local resident Alannah Hardcastle is now hosting a park cleanup at Kiwanis Park.

Other events that are already registered on the 100in1Day Peterborough web page at www.100in1day.org/city/peterborough/ include painting bird homes, hiking together at Trent Wildlife Sanctuary, rock painting with the Peterborough Museum and Archives, a Glow Ride, and more.
100in1Day is what reawakened citizenship looks like.
Groups all over the city are already committed for June 2nd, including Reimagine Peterborough, The Loft Downtown Youth Space, P-BAC, NeighbourPLAN, the YMCA, Seeds of Change, and others. The GreenUP office has been bustling with excitement for this event. With staff planning an array of activities from a chalk mural called “PolkaDot Takeover” to a “Bioblitz” at Ecology Park.

The buzz continues to spread as the 100in1Day team has been popping up around town with a Free Compliments Booth. The booth leaves folks feeling good about themselves and empowered by the possibilities of 100in1Day by its fun and cheeky approach to outreach.
The possibilities of your 100in1Day participation are only as limited as your imagination. If you have been looking for an opportunity to meet your neighbours or turn your lawn into a tea party, then 100in1Day is definitely for you!
For more information on how to get involved, contact 100in1Day Coordinator Hillary Flood by email hillary.flood@greenup.on.ca or by phone at 705-745-3238 extension 205, or visit the 100in1Day website at www.100in1day.org.