You can once again experience the living history of Peterborough County at Lang Pioneer Village Museum in Keene — and safely during the COVID-19 pandemic.
The museum officially opened for the 2020 season last Wednesday (July 8) and is now accepting bookings for guided tours from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Wednesday through Sunday.
Staggered tours will begin every 15 minutes with groups limited to no more than nine people per tour, all of whom must be from the same family unit or social circle.
Guided tours must be booked in advance by visiting the museum’s Shopify website at lang-pioneer-village-museum.myshopify.com.
The experience includes a 45-minute guided tour and an additional hour to explore the museum’s other 25 historic buildings, artifacts, and exhibits.
While the museum’ snack shop will not be open, you can purchase however, packaged snacks and drinks as well as items from the museum’s shop online at the time of booking.
Museum visitors will be required to self-screen prior to coming on site, observe physical distancing with other groups, and to wear face masks when inside museum buildings.

The cost for a guided tour is $40. Only one ticket is required for a tour of up to nine people. For full details and safety information, visit langpioneervillage/guided-tours.
Although Lang Pioneer Village has cancelled all its events originally scheduled for this summer due to earlier provincial restrictions on social gatherings, the museum hopes to be able to host fall and winter events in some form. The County of Peterborough will be monitoring the situation and will be guided by advice from public health authorities.
For more information, photos, and videos, visit the museum’s new website at langpioneervillage.ca.
This story has been updated to remove specific fall and winter events as the events and their dates are not yet confirmed.