Shoppers Drug Mart’s third annual fall LOVE YOU Giving Shelter fundraising campaign is now underway, with all local funds raised supporting YWCA Peterborough Haliburton.
The campaign, which runs until October 14, kicked off on September 10 when Shoppers Drug Mart announced a $300,000 donation to Women’s Shelters Canada, a national organization advocating for change on the issue of violence against women and supporting over 600 violence against women shelters and transition houses across the country.
During the fall LOVE YOU Giving Shelter campaign, customers can donate by purchasing and personalizing the “LOVE YOU by Shoppers Drug Mart” icons, which are prominently displayed on the campaign tree in all participating stores. All donated funds stay in the community where they are raised.
“We are deeply grateful to have been selected again by Shoppers Drug Mart for their 2022 Giving Shelter campaign,” says Kim Dolan, executive director of YWCA Peterborough Haliburton, in a media release. “Unfortunately, the need for violence against women support services has remained high since the onset of the pandemic. With the continued support of Shoppers Drug Mart and our incredibly compassionate community, we are able to ensure that much-needed safety, resources, and support are available to women in crisis.”
In Canada, 44 per cent of women have reported experiencing some form of psychological, physical, or sexual violence by an intimate partner in their lifetime. This means most Canadians likely know a woman affected by domestic violence, but may not be aware of it because these women may be afraid to speak out.
Historically, domestic violence increases at a time of economic uncertainty. First, it was the pandemic and now Canadians are facing the highest cost of living since the 1980s.
Every six days in Canada, a woman is killed by her intimate partner. Many survivors of domestic abuse cannot “just leave” because they depend on their abusers for basic needs and have few means of escape. For women who try, it takes an average of seven attempts to permanently leave an abusive partner. On any given night, more than 600 women and children are turned away because shelters are already full.
During the LOVE YOU Giving Shelter campaign, Shoppers Drug Mart Customers can support women in their community by purchasing a “leaf” for $2, a “butterfly” for $5, an “apple” for $10, or a “bird” for $50. Donations can also be made online at shoppersdrugmart.ca/givingshelter.
“This is our third year partnering with the YWCA for the LOVE YOU campaign,” says Mohan Joshi, pharmacist and owner of the Shoppers Drug Marts on Lansdowne Street and Chemong Road. “They are an incredible organization to work with. Our customers always have a big response. I think it’s a cause everyone can get behind, because unfortunately the reality is most people know someone affected by gender-based violence, which is what makes the work they do so important.”
YWCA Peterborough Haliburton provides safe shelter, resources, and support to help women safely escape violent situations, build upon their existing strength, and move forward in their lives. Confidential support, resources, safety planning and information are available to women, as well as the people who love and support them.