100 Women Who Care Kawartha Lakes has donated $14,550 to the Fenelon Falls Senior Citizens’ Club. The collective philanthropy group’s executive presented the funds to the club’s executive last Wednesday (March 1) in Lindsay.
The Fenelon Falls Senior Citizens’ Club is a not-for-profit charitable organization run completely by volunteers, all of whom are seniors. The club operates the Fenelon Falls Senior Citizens Centre at 58 Murray Street, where it provides a wide range of social and physical activities for seniors.
The club also makes the centre available to rent for community workshops, shows, markets, conferences, celebrations, and other special events. The club will use the 100 Women Who Care Kawartha Lakes donation to enhance and improve the centre’s facilities to better meet the demands and expectations for hall rentals, including by replacing and upgrading audio/video equipment, Wi-Fi capabilities, and replacing and adding some furniture and equipment.
As with other 100 Women Who Care groups across Canada and the U.S., members of 100 Women Who Care Kawartha Lakes gather to hear presentations about three nominated charities or not-for-profit organizations, and then vote on which of the three will receive a $100 cheque from each of the members. A 100 Women Who Care group can have more than 100 members; the more members participating in a group, the larger the total donation.
100 Women Who Care Kawartha Lakes meets three times a year. The group raised the donation for the Fenelon Falls Senior Citizens’ Club — the group’s largest donation since the beginning of the pandemic — at the group’s February meeting. The group’s next meeting is in June. Since 2016, 100 Women Who Care Kawartha Lakes has raised over $300,000 for local charities.
For more information about 100 Women Who Care Kawartha Lakes and to join visit 100womenkawarthalakes.ca. For more information about the Fenelon Falls Senior Citizens Centre and to inquire about rentals, visit fenelonseniors.com.