Home Authors Articles by Abigayle Partington

Articles by Abigayle Partington

Abigayle Partington
2 Articles
Abigayle Partington is a Grade 10 student at Norwood District High School. She loves animals and plans to study veterinary medicine while also finding time to travel the world.
Michelle Bonunu, an eight-year-old Ugandan girl living with Type-1 Diabetes, plays Abigayle Partington's purple ukulele. Abigayle, whose 10-year-old brother Elijah was diagnosed with Type-1 Diabetes last year, travelled to Uganda with her father to volunteer with The Sonia Nabeta Foundation. (Photo: Kristian Partington)

Strumming a new tune for Type-1 diabetes in Africa

Norwood high school student volunteers at camp for Ugandan children living with diabetes.
Works by Paul Caleb and Tedd Hucks are on display at Gallery in the Attic in Peterborough until August 31

Art on the Street – August 2013

Tedd Hucks and Paul Caleb at Gallery in the Attic in Peterborough and a brief tour of the graffiti of downtown Peterborough.

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