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Articles by GreenUP
Seedy Sunday Peterborough means spring is just around the corner
Buy or exchange locally grown heirloom seeds on March 13 at George Street United Church.
Make your home more comfortable and save money this winter
It's not too late to take advantage of the free Enbridge Home Winterproofing Program.
Why winter is the best time to prune your fruit trees and shrubs
Complete an online course on fruit tree care and get a free fruit tree from Ecology Park this spring.
Fall in love with nature this Valentine’s Day
Share some quality time with your loved ones, or just yourself, by heading outdoors.
Dig out your bicycle for Winter Bike to Work Day
Get prepared for the weather and ride your bike to work on Friday, February 12.
Bundle up and take to the sidewalks on Winter Walk to School Day
On February 3, children across Canada are encouraged to walk to school.
Environmental documentaries to watch at Peterborough’s ReFrame Film Festival
The Messenger, After the Last River, and Fractured Land screen on January 29 and 30 at Showplace.
Being green in 2016
Steps you can take to become more environmentally conscious throughout the year.
Peterborough Children’s Water Festival celebrates its 15th anniversary in 2016
Annual water education festival receives government funding to expand into classrooms, community events, and more.
Seven ways Peterborough “Greened Up” in 2015
And a taste of what the environmental organization has planned for 2016.