Home Authors Articles by Jeanne Pengelly

Articles by Jeanne Pengelly

Jeanne Pengelly
82 Articles
Jeanne Pengelly is a television and radio news journalist with a Master's Degree in Journalism. Even before she got her first typewriter at age 12, she had decided she would be a writer. Highlights of her career include founding the McMaster University creative writing journal, living in a remote northern community on James Bay where she edited a newspaper and trained young television journalists, and being a non-fiction nominee for the Pacific Northwest Writers’ Association. Jeanne's many interests include creative writing, photography, music, teaching, needlecrafts, fitness, and golf. You can follow Jeanne on Twitter @JeannePengelly.
Women who want out of abusive relationships may not know where to begin. The YWCA's START (Support Team for Abuse Response Today) program provides advice and support to women in a single visit.

YWCA gives women in abusive relationships a place to start

In a single visit, the weekly START program connects women to community services.
Jill Cummings, Senior Mammography Technologist at PRHC's Breast Assessment Centre, explains how a mammography machine works to writer Jeanne Pengelly

A mammogram can save your life

Donations to PRHC Foundation help fund equipment at the hospital's Breast Assessment Centre.
St. Thomas Aquinas makes Google Chromebooks available for all students, including those whose parents cannot afford one

Five innovative ways St. Thomas Aquinas is preparing students for the future

High school in Lindsay embraces digital learning and gives students a career edge.
Krista and Donald with their daughter Clara Campbell Fraser. Shortly after she was born last December 12, Clara spent five days in Peterborough Regional Health Centre's Neonatal Intensive Care Unit. (Photo: Kay Jolly Photography)

Making great care possible close to home for babies like Clara

Community donations fund equipment at Peterborough Regional Health Centre's Neonatal Intensive Care Unit.
When nine-year-old Eli Partington was admitted to Peterborough Regional Health Centre with extremely high blood sugar, the team at PRHC's Paediatric Outpatient Clinic helped the Partington family understand Eli's diagnosis of Type 1 Diabetes (photo: Kristian Partington)

Making a trip to the hospital less scary for children and their families

Community donations to PRHC Foundation help women and children receive care closer to home.
The Living Christmas Tree at St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church in Lindsay in all its glory

Experience the wonder and joy of a Living Christmas Tree

Christmas cantata has been performed at St. Andrew's in Lindsay for more than 30 years.
More than 1,600 babies were born last year at Peterborough Regional Health Centre. At any one time, seven to nine babies require special nursing care in the hospital's Neonatal Intensive Care Unit.

Caring for our community’s tiniest and most vulnerable patients

Donations to the PRHC Foundation help fund equipment for the hospital's labour and delivery and neonatal intensive care units.
The 2015-16 board of the Women's Business Network of Peterborough. Front row (left to right): Louise Shea, Colleen Carruthers, Glenda Vandermeulen, Theresa Foley, Andrea McLeod; back row (left to right): Catia Skinner, Mary McGee, Lorie Gill, Denise Travers, Gwyneth James, Louise Racine; not pictured: Emily Martin. (Photo: Cynthia Sager, snapd Peterborough)

Peterborough’s business women network for their own benefit – and the community’s

Women's Business Network of Peterborough welcomes new members to share expertise and build relationships.
Donations to the Peterborough Shoebox Project (photo: Vanessa Dinesen)

Sharing a gift of love with women in shelters – in a shoebox

Local entrepreneur launches the Peterborough Shoebox Project to distribute little luxuries to women in need.
David and Cora Whittington at their farm in Stewart Hall, Ontario. When David suffered a heart attack, he was rushed to PRHC's Cardiac Catheterization Lab where an emergency angioplasty procedure saved his life.

Healing “broken” hearts at Peterborough Regional Health Centre

How the team at PRHC's Cardiac Catheterization Laboratory saved David Whittingon's life

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