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Articles by Paul Rellinger

Paul Rellinger
786 Articles
Paul Rellinger a.k.a Relly is an award-winning journalist and longtime former newspaper editor still searching for the perfect lead. When he's not putting pen to paper, Paul is on a sincere but woefully futile quest to own every postage stamp ever issued. A rabid reader of history, Paul claims to know who killed JFK but can't say out of fear for the safety of his oh so supportive wife Mary, his three wonderful kids and his three spirited grandchildren. Paul counts among his passions Peterborough's rich live music scene, the Toronto Maple Leafs, slopitch and retrieving golf balls from the woods. You can follow Paul on Twitter at @rellywrites.
Melissa Lamore (second from right) with her son Murphy, husband Alex, and daughter Megan. In July 2020, Melissa was diagnosed with glioblastoma, an aggressive brain cancer with an extremely low survival rate. Hundreds of people on Facebook have since been following Melissa's journey and showing their support. Now that Melissa, after multiple surgeries and chemotherapy and radiation, has decided to stop treatment, her family and her supporters are preparing to say goodbye. (Photo: Nicole Zinn / Glimpse Imaging)

Hundreds of people come together as ‘Team Mellie’ to support Peterborough woman with brain...

Opting to forego more treatment for glioblastoma, Melissa Lamore and her husband Alex and their two children face down the inevitable.
An aerial view of Morrow Park on Lansdowne Street West in Peterborough, where the city is planning to build a $62-million sports complex, including a twin-pad arena and an indoor swimming pool. Some Peterborough residents are opposing the development in the green space, which would also include 633 new parking spaces, and objecting to a lack of consultation. (Photo: Friends of Morrow Park / Facebook)

Friends of Morrow Park gaining momentum in bid to reverse City of Peterborough decision...

With construction of the $62-million complex set to begin in fall 2022, several concerns are listed on online petition.
Peterborough musician Calvin Bakelaar is the latest winner of the Don Skuce Memorial Music Collective songwriting contest, with a reocrding of his original song "November" headed to the Rocket Carousel Studio in Los Angeles where it will be mixed and mastered by Grammy Award-winning producer and musician Greg Wells, originally from Peterborough. (Photo courtesy of Calvin Bakelaar)

Round three of the Don Skuce Memorial Music Collective songwriting contest crowns a single...

'November' by Calvin Bakelaar is off to Los Angeles to be mixed and mastered by Peterborough native and Grammy Award-winning producer Greg Wells.
Unveiled at Trent University on the inaugural National Day for Truth and Reconciliation on September 30, 2021, the treaty rock is a new installation that recognizes the local treaty lands upon which the university is located. The installation is comprised of three limestone boulders, each bearing the symbols of the dodem (clan totem) carvings of the Treaty 20 Michi Saagiig signatories. (Photo: Paul Rellinger / kawarthaNOW)

Trent University unveils ‘treaty rock’ installation that honours Michi Saagiig land upon which it...

National Day for Truth and Reconciliation commemoration sees Curve Lake First Nations people, university faculty, and students come together at Symons Campus.
Ashburnham Ale House owners Nollie and Scott Wood, pictured in June 2020 preparing for the reopening of their restaurant's patios during the first pandemic summer. According to Scott, while the proof of vaccination requirement is "a pain", almost all of his customers have been fine with it. (Photo: Bruce Head / kawarthaNOW)

Peterborough-area restaurant owners face challenges implementing vaccine passport requirement

Loss of customers and staffing concerns seen as potential fallouts of new measure, but most patrons have been cooperative,
Two masked employees in a restaurant. (Stock photo)

Peterborough Public Health taking education-first approach to vaccine passport enforcement

Health unit is giving businesses time to implement the new requirement, but those in open defiance may face charges.
Taso Hatzianastasiou, owner and operator of Taso's Restaurant and Pizzeria, shows off a Chicago-style deep dish mac 'n' cheese. Taso is one of 18 downtown Peterborough restaurants participating in the first-ever Mac + Cheese Festival during October. (Photo: Peterborough Downtown Business Improvement Area)

Peterborough’s inaugural Mac + Cheese Festival to deliver the ultimate comfort food in a...

DBIA-organized and presented event invites mac 'n' cheese lovers to dine at any one or all of 18 participating downtown restaurants during October.
The fall 2021 intake of the Starter Company Plus program, administered by Peterborough & the Kawarthas Business Advisory Centre with funding from the Ontario government, will provide five weeks of business training to 12 entrepreneurs starting or running a business in the City or County of Peterborough. The program, delivered completely online this fall, will see half of the participants each receive a $5,000 microgrant based on the strength of their business plans and business pitches to a panel of community judges. (Photo: Peterborough & the Kawarthas Economic Development)

Starter Company Plus to give 12 more entrepreneurs in Peterborough & the Kawarthas the...

Applications for fall intake close September 26, with six participants each receiving a $5,000 microgrant.
Peterborough's Opioid Response Hub will be located in the former Greyhound bus terminal at 220 Simcoe Street (at Aylmer Street North) in downtown Peterborough, pictured here in October 2020. A $160,000 fundraising campaign has been launched to renovate the location. (Photo: Bruce Head / kawarthaNOW)

$160,000 fundraising campaign launched for Peterborough’s Opioid Response Hub

'Light The Way To $160K' campaign aims to raise funds for retrofitting of the former Greyhound bus terminal in advance of anticipated Consumption Treatment Services site approval
An electronic sign on Lansdowne Street West between Goodfellow Road and The Parkway in Peterborough displays a message associating Peterborough-Kawartha MP Maryam Monsef with the death of 158 Canadian soldiers during Canada's 12-year mission in Afghanistan against the Taliban. Contrary to Elections Canada rules for third-party advertising, there is no tagline indicating who authorized the advertisement. (Photo: kawarthaNOW)

‘Hateful display’ against Peterborough-Kawartha MP on Lansdowne Street electronic sign

Monsef campaign following up with Elections Canada about legality of unauthorized third-party advertising,

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