The Canadian Canoe Museum in Peterborough is competing in the Aviva Community Fund and is seeking your votes now until Friday, October 28th.
Canada’s national canoe museum has applied for the $50,000 to $100,000 funding level to purchase a van, trailer hitch package, vehicle wrap, and enclosed trailer. The new equipment would allow the museum to make its award-winning programming more accessible to schools, community groups, outreach events, and the general public.
Specifically, the museum would use the equipment to transport children to summer paddling camps, to take the museum’s educational programming and workshops to schools and other locations, to transport the museum’s public paddling fleet for use on-water, and to transport museum artefacts to exhibits at partner museums.
Until October 28th, you can vote online to help the museum become a finalist in the Aviva Community Fund competition. To register and vote, visit https://www.avivacommunityfund.org/voting/project/view/16-484.
Registering is easy (you can even do it through Facebook) and, once you register, you have 18 votes you can cast for The Canadian Canoe Museum (or you can distribute them among other projects).

The museum is competing with over 240 other projects at the the $50,000 to $100,000 funding level. The 15 ideas that receive the most votes in each of the two funding levels will become finalists.
Winners will be picked from the finalists by a panel of judges and announced on December 6, 2016. Judges will rank ideas based on the following criteria: longevity and sustainability, votes, impact, originality, likelihood of success, and submission quality.
If you support The Canadian Canoe Museum’s project and want to help, invite your friends, families. and coworkers to vote for the project. There will also be a voting kiosk set up in the museum’s lobby.
For more information, you can join the project’s Facebook group at https://www.facebook.com/groups/688782731290287/.