A total of 18 dogs and cats from Big Trout Lake First Nation north of Thunder Bay will be available for adoption at the Peterborough Humane Society on Wednesday, July 5th after 10 a.m.
The Peterborough Humane Society partnered with the Provincial Animal Transfer Team and a team of volunteers to find bring the animals from Big Trout Lake First Nation (Kitchenuhmaykoosib Inninuwug), located 600 kilometres north of Thunder Bay.
As part of their community animal management program, the Elders and Band Council from Big Trout Lake First Nation invited the Ontario SPCA, the Canadian Animal Assistance Team, Beat the Heat Kenora, Petsmart Charities, North Star Air Lts. and the Peterborough Humane Society to their community to provide a spay/neuter clinic to all of their resident pets and to transfer south some of their community’s dogs and cats looking for new homes.
The Peterborough Humane Society joined this initiative by opening its doors to the 18 animals needing new homes.
Peterborough’s own Jeff Day, Executive Director of Community Futures of Peterborough, along with his wife Susie, joined the group at Big Trout Lake First Nation to assist with the spay/neuter clinic.
“The community members of Big Trout Lake were most welcoming,” Day says. “The opportunity to be a part of this collaborative effort was priceless. We would both relive this experience again and are excited for these animals to find their new forever homes.”
Peterborough Humane Society Executive Director Andrew Fraser expressed his pleasure at the opportunity to work with the Big Trout Lake First Nation community once again.
The animals will be ready for adoption as of Wednesday July 5th, after 10:00 a.m. If you are interested, you can drop by the Peterborough Humane Society (385 Lansdowne St. E., Peterborough) between 10 a.m. and 4 p.m. All animals available for adoption will be posted on the Peterborough Humane Society website at peterboroughhumanesociety.ca/. as of 8:30 Wednesday morning.