Earlier today (July 28), the Honourable Carolyn Bennett, Minister of Indigenous and Northern Affairs, announced funding of $142,000 for a school feasibility study for Curve Lake First Nation.
“We are pleased with the support from the Government of Canada, which will allow us to continue to deliver high quality education for our children,” said Chief Phyllis Williams. “This support will advance our obligation to provide programming that is culturally viable and vital for the success of our youth, our future.”
Curve Lake First Nation, located 25 kilometres northeast of Peterborough, operates the Curve Lake First Nation School which provides kindergarten to grade 3 classes.
“Children thrive when they have pride in their school and their education promotes a secure, personal and cultural identity,” said Minister Bennett. “We are honoured to be working with Curve Lake First Nation to ensure vibrant futures and the academic success of their youth.”
The study, which will be undertaken by First Nations Engineering Services Ltd., will identify the best approach to support the highest quality learning environment for the community’s youth. The study is expected to be complete by July 2018.
The Ministry of Indigenous and Northern Affairs has provided almost $1 million to nine other First Nations in Ontario for school feasibility studies, including Kasabonika Lake, Wunnumin, North Caribou Lake, Kitchenuhmaykoosib Inninuwug, Pic Mobert, Biigtigong Nishnaabeg First Nation, Beausoleil, Mississaugas of The Credit, and Chippewas of Georgina Island.