This week, we feature a business development event on March 7th in Peterborough for displaced G.E. Canada workers, the winner of the 2018 Win This Space entrepreneurial competition, the Downtown Dreams business attraction program in Kawartha Lakes, a new community award for local women, Amuse Coffee Co.’s pop-up location at VentureNorth, and upcoming business events including the E-Connect! Female Founders panel on March 5, the Bears’ Lair Peterborough Semi-Finalist Showcase on March 6, Trent Hills Business Excellence Awards nominations, and more.
We publish businessNOW every Monday. If you have business news or events you want to share with our readers, please email business@kawarthanow.com.
Business development event in Peterborough on March 7 for displaced G.E. Canada workers
Community Futures Peterborough, Peterborough & The Kawarthas Economic Development, and Fleming College are coming together to host a special event to support displaced G.E. Canada workers.
In August 2017, General Electric announced it would be closing its manufacturing facility in Peterborough by September 2018, putting more than 350 employees out of work.
The event, which will assist workers who may be looking to develop business ideas and explore self-employment options, takes place on Wednesday, March 7, 2018 from 6 to 7:30 p.m. in the lower level boardroom at VentureNorth (270 George St. N., Peterborough).
Fleming College will share information on its customized entrepreneurial programs, Peterborough & The Kawarthas Economic Development will explain the mentorship programs available through the Business Advisory Centre, and Community Futures Peterborough will provide details on flexible financing and business services.
The event is free but is only open to G.E. employees.
Nadine McCallen wins the 2018 Win This Space entrepreneurial competition

Nadine McCallen, owner of natural skincare business The Willow’s Bark, is the grand prize winner of the 2018 Win This Space entrepreneurial competition. The announcement was made Thursday (March 1) at the grand finale event at The Venue in downtown Peterborough.
As the winner of the competition, McCallen wins a prize package valued at more than $45,000 that includes a free year-long lease for a downtown Peterborough storefront.
McCallen will be opening a new store called Ritual Apothecary and will sell locally produced skincare, herbal remedies and household products from a variety of sustainable companies focusing on wildcrafted, organic, and unrefined ingredients. She’s also looking to create a social space where people can blend their own teas, sit and read a book, or participate in a workshop.
Registration now open for Downtown Dreams contest in Kawartha Lakes
Registration is now open for Downtown Dreams, a business attraction program designed to attract new or existing businesses to open, expand, or move into the downtowns of Coboconk or Norland, Fenelon Falls, Lindsay, and Omemee in the City of Kawartha Lakes.
City of Kawartha Lakes Economic Development officially launched the contest on Friday (March 2) at the city hall in Lindsay.
Registration will be open online until Friday, March 23rd. For rules and regulations and to register, visit downtowndreams.org.
Applicants will be asked to describe their business idea, the transferable skills or experience they have related to the business idea, their ideal client and basic market research, estimated start-up costs, and whether they already have investment in the business or will be seeking funding sources.
After the contest closes, an advisory panel will select the top five semi-finalists in each community. The semi-finalists must participate in five mandatory workshops, submit a business plan and present to an advisory panel who will choose a winner for each community. The finalists for each community will participate in a public pitch to the advisory panel on June 6, 2018 at the Academy Theatre in Lindsay, where the winners will be announced.
The prize package for each winner will include: a free year-long membership in their local chamber; free business and marketing consulting; free business cards, letterhead, and envelopes; an advertisement in the local newspaper; three months of free internet services; and more prizes to be announced.
The total budget for the project is $124,300 with the City receiving up to $62,150 from the Rural Economic Development Program (RED), administered by the Ontario Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs.
Maryam Monsef announces new Women of Peterborough-Kawartha Community Award

Peterborough-Kawartha MP and federal Minister of Status of Women Maryam Monsef announced a new award for local women at the inaugural Rural Women’s Summit held on March 2, 2018. (Photo: Maryam Monsef / Facebook)
Peterborough-Kawartha MP and federal Minister of Status of Women Maryam Monsef has announced a new Women of Peterborough-Kawartha Community Award.
Monsef made the announcement on Friday (March 2) following her evening keynote address at the inaugural Rural Women’s Summit at Buckhorn Commmunity Centre.
The award will recognize female leadership in the areas of entrepreneurialism, environmental stewardship, and community service.
Nominations should be submitted to Monsef’s constituency office (417 Bethune St., Suite 4, Peterborough) by May 13, 2018. For more information, call 705-745-2108 or email Maryam.Monsef@parl.gc.ca.
Amuse Coffee Co. pops up at VentureNorth every Monday and Wednesday

If you’re working in or visiting the VentureNorth building (270 George St. N., Peterborough), you can now buy coffee and more from Amuse Coffee Co.
The European-inspired cafe will be serving coffee, tea, pastries, croissants, and breakfast bars in the main lobby of VentureNorth every Monday and Wednesday between 9 a.m. and 1 p.m. through the month of March.
Amuse Coffee Co. owner Lindsay Brock decided to open her own cafe after 15 years of serving coffee and tea at Starbucks and David’s Tea. After experiencing French cafes during a trip to Paris, she wanted to bring the same experience to Peterborough. Amusé Coffee Co. opened at 641 George Street North in 2015 after joining the FastStart Peterborough program, being one of the program’s first clients.

“I’m so excited to be expanding into Venture North, they have so many exciting things happening in this building and I’m really happy to be connected to that,” Brock says. “We are currently here Mondays and Wednesdays for March and hopefully on a more permanent basis thereafter.”
For more information about Amuse Coffee Co., visit amusecoffeeco.ca.
FastStart Peterborough presents “E-Connect! Female Founders” on March 5
FastStart Peterborough’s March E-Connect! forum features a panel discussion with four local female entrepreneurs: Lindsay Brock (founder of Amuse Coffee Co.), Rhonda Barnet (co-Founder of Steeleworks Design), Jeannine Taylor (co-founder of kawarthaNOW.com), and Peggy Shaughnessy (serial entrepreneur).
The forum takes place from 6 to 8 p.m. on Monday, March 5th at The Venue (286 George St. N., Peterborough). Appetizers and a cash bar will be available.
The event is free, but you must register in advance at www.eventbrite.com/e/e-connect-female-founders-tickets-37220379156.
Bears’ Lair Peterborough Semi-Finalist Showcase on March 6
The Bears’ Lair entrepreneurial competition hosts its semi-finalist showcase on Tuesday, March 6th from 5 to 7 p.m. at The Venue (286 George St. North, Peterborough).
You can meet the semi-finalists, ask them entrepreneurship-related questions, and get to know more about their businesses. The event is open to everyone.
Local judges (Rhonda Barnet, Chief Operating Officer of Steelworks Design; Geordie Konrad, Co-Founder of Konrad Grou; and Nicole Verkindt, Founder & CEO of OMX) will be selecting six finalists who will move on to the final pitch, to be held on Wednesday, April 18th at The Venue.
At the final event, two entrepreneurs (in the categories of Goods and Services and Innovation) will win over $50,000 in cash and business support services, including $5,000 in cash each.
For more information about Bears’ Lair, visit www.bearslairptbo.ca.
“Bridges Out of Poverty” workshop for employers on March 7
The City and County of Peterborough Social Services, along with Agilec, Employment Ontario, Employment Planning & Counselling, Fleming Crew Employment Centre, and the Canadian Mental Health Association Haliburton Kawartha Pine Ridge, are hosting a free workshop for employers on “Bridges out of Poverty”.
The Bridges out of Poverty framework, which originated in the U.S. and has been adopted by other communities in Canada, aims to help people who grew up in poverty and educate the agencies who assist them. The workshop will provide information on the framework as well as the variety of financial incentives available for employers in the community. It will also provide information on understanding and retaining employees.
The free workshop takes place from 4 to 6 p.m. on Wednesday, March 7th at Agilec Peterborough office (Brookdale Plaza, 863 Chemong Rd, Unit 20-A). Refreshments will be served.
Space is limited. Register at bridgesforemployers.eventbrite.ca.
Kawartha Chamber of Commerce & Tourism B.O.S.S. Seminar on March 20
The Kawartha Chamber of Commerce & Tourism continues its B.O.S.S. (Business Owners Sharing Solutions) seminar series on Tuesday, March 20th with a focus on young professionals.
So far, the seminar features Erin McLean of McLean Berry Farm and Matt Logan of Logan Tree Experts.
The seminar takes place from 7:30 to 9:30 a.m. at the Royal Canadian Legion Branch 77 (10 Nicholls Street, Lakefield), with a hot breakfast provided by Jack’s Family Restaurant.
The cost to attend is $15 for Chamber members and $25 for non-members. To register, visit kawarthachamber.ca.
Panel discussion on communicating with the media on March 20
Peterborough & the Kawarthas Business Advisory Centre is presenting a panel discussion called “Telling your Story: How to Effectively Talk with the Media” on Tuesday, March 20th from 6 to 8 pm. at Showplace Performance Centre (290 George St. N., Peterborough).
The panel discussion is intended for small business owners or entrepreneurs who struggle to share their story with local media. Panellists include local media professionals Paul Rellinger, Jessica Nyznik, and Catherine Hanrahan.
The discussion takes place in the Nexicom Studio. A cash bar will be available and light appetizers will be served.
The event is free to attend, but you must register at www.eventbrite.ca/e/telling-your-story-how-to-effectively-talk-with-the-media-tickets-43129646935.
Meet Trent University and Fleming College students seeking employment on March 20
The Trent Business Students’ Association is hosting “Peterborough Connects” from 12 to 1:45 p.m. at the Innovation Cluster (270 George St. N., Peterborough).
Employers can meet students from Trent University and Fleming College who are seeking employment, showcase their businessses, network with representatives from Trent University and Fleming College, and market any summer internship positions.
The event is free and lunch will be provided. Register at www.eventbrite.ca/e/peterborough-connects-tickets-43495380855.
Lindsay & District Chamber of Commerce Annual General Meeting on March 21

The Lindsay & District Chamber of Commerce is holding its Annual General Meeting (AGM) from 5 to 7 p.m. on Wednesday, March 21st at the Kawartha Art Gallery (190 Kent St. W., 2nd Floor, Lindsay).
At the AGM you can find out about the Chamber’s activities and successes of the past year, learn about Chamber initiatives for the coming year, review the financial statement, and pass a motion to accept the slate of Board members as presented.
There will also be an opportunity to view the Annual Student Juried Art Exhibit, featuring the talents of Lindsay secondary school students.
Chamber Members should RSVP to Colleen Collins at 705-324-2393 or colleen@lindsaychamber.com.
Trent Hills Business Excellence Awards nominations open until March 23
Nominations for the Trent Hills Chamber of Commerce 2018 Business Excellence Awards are open until Friday, March 23rd.
Nominations are limited to businesses, organizations, or individuals in the Trent Hills community or who are a member of the Trent Hills Chamber of Commerce.
Award categories include Excellence in Business (three employees or fewer), Excellence in Business (four employees or more), Emerging Entrepreneur, Pride and Progress, Customer Experience Award (Service Business), Customer Experience Award, Community Impact, Ignite 2018 (Business), Ignite 2018 (Non-Profit Organization), and the Chair’s Award.
For more information and for nomination forms, visit trenthillschamber.ca/business-awards/
Makeover seminar for retail businesses on March 27

Barbara Crowhurst is a retail specialist, business coach, writer, international speaker and trainer. She will be leading a retail makeover seminar on March 27, 2018. (Photo: Barbara Crowhurst)
Peterborough & the Kawarthas Economic Development and the Peterborough Downtown Business Improvement Area are hosting “A Retail Makeover For Your Business” from 8 to 11:30 a.m. on Tuesday, March 27th in the boardroom at VentureNorth (270 George St. N., Peterborough).
The seminar will be led by Barbara Crowhurst, North America’s leading retail business coach and trainer, who will have you evaluate your business and consider how you generate traffic, engage more customers, and generate higher revenues.
The event costs $8.99 to attend and you must register by Friday, March 23rd at www.eventbrite.ca/e/a-retail-makeover-for-your-business-tickets-42725350674.