Following similar calls from both the federal and Ontario governments, Peterborough & the Kawarthas Economic Development (PKED) is asking local manufacturers to retool if they can to help meet the need for urgent medical supplies during the COVID-19 pandemic.
PKED is also encouraging business owners, manufacturers, and entrepreneurs in the region to consider donating from their inventory of medical products and supplies to help local health agencies, frontline healthcare workers, and other essential service workers to combat the spread of COVID-19 while protecting their own health and safety.
“There is a need for the region’s talented and innovative manufacturers and businesses to provide the necessary assistance to curb COVID-19 in this crucial time for our city, province, country, and the globe,” says PKED president and CEO Rhonda Keenan.
In particular, Peterborough Regional Health Centre (PRHC) is in need of protective gloves (nitrile only), N95 masks (with NIOSH of CE), ear loop masks (ASTMF2100-11, L2 rating or greater), ear loop masks with attached face shields, protective gowns (AAMI, L2 rating or greater), hand sanitizer (minimum 70% ethanol or 60%-70% isopropyl alcohol), and full-face shields with foam.
Due to the nature of COVID-19, the hospital is unable to accept donations of handmade masks or food and drink for hospital staff (until further notice).
Organizations and individuals who have any of the above supplies onhand and wish to donate them should visit the PHRC Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) Drive website at or email
The governments of Canada and Ontario have both called on businesses to supply products and services in response to COVID-19, through the federal Buy and Sell website and the recently launched provincial Ontario Together website.
These sites are intended to remove barriers that will allow the manufacturing sector to redeploy capacity towards the production of essential equipment such as ventilators, masks, gowns, and swabs.
There is a need for both products and support services, including:
- Disposable N95 masks
- Disposable surgical masks
- Nitrile gloves
- Vinyl gloves
- Gowns
- Bottles of hand sanitizer
- Other prevention products
- Guard/security services
- Nursing services
- Food services
- Laundry services
- Accommodation maintenance services
- Personal services
- IT support services
- Other services