businessNOW™ is the most comprehensive weekly round-up of business and organizational news and events from Peterborough and across the Kawarthas.
The week’s edition features The Greenhouse on the River in Douro-Dummer announcing 2020 as its final year in business, BE Catering moving out of its downtown Peterborough location at the end of May, Peterborough & the Kawarthas Tourism pivoting from developing a five-year plan to developing short-term tourism recovery due to COVID-19, the Summer Company program application deadline being extended until May 30th, and the opening of nominations for the Peterborough Business Excellence Awards.
This week’s events include a COVID-19 virtual town hall with Doug Ford and Vic Fedeli, a webinar on digital marketing and selling during COVID-19, and a webinar for existing businesses on implementing e-commerce — all taking place on Thursday, May 14th.
This is the final year in business for The Greenhouse on the River in Douro-Dummer

The owners of The Greenhouse on the River, a popular independent garden centre in Douro-Dummer, have announced 2020 will be their final year of business.
Peter and Elyn Green made the announcement on their Facebook page on Monday (May 11).
“After 32 years and recent events we have decided that 2020 will be ‘The Last Waltz’ for The Greenhouse on the River,” they write. “We love what we do with our amazing staff and wonderful customers but it has come time for a change. Help make our last year the best ever.”

Aside from the COVID-19 pandemic, those “recent events” may also include a recent health scare for Elyn, which resulted in three emergency department visits and a 15-day stay at Peterborough Regional Health Centre (it was not related to COVID-19, Elyn says in a Facebook post).
Steps away from the Otonabee River, The Greenhouse on the River (4115 County Road 32, Douro-Dummer, 705-652-8154) sells a variety of annuals, perennials, succulents, tropicals, shrubs, and trees nurtured on site. They are open by appointment only, from 12:30 to 5:30 p.m. Monday to Friday, and 12:30 p.m. to 4 p.m. on Saturday and Sunday.
Appointments can be booked at www.greenhouseontheriver.com. Customers are required to bring and wear their own mask and gloves while they are in the greenhouse.
BE Catering is moving out of its downtown Peterborough location at the end of May

Bonnie Kubika, owner of BE Catering (356 Charlotte St., Peterborough, 705-750-1265), has announced she will be moving out of her downtown Peterborough location at the end of May.
In a Facebook post on Monday (May 11), Bonnie explains that her lease expires at the end of the month and she was unable to reach an agreement with her landlord.
“They originally wanted to raise our rent by 87%,” Bonnie writes. “We tried to come to an interim agreement when the pandemic hit, but to no avail. We made the decision to store our equipment and tools, and will be moving out of our beloved kitchens at the end of this month.”
Bonnie says she has had a professional kitchen since she began BE Catering in 1998. From 2012 to 2017, she operated BE at The Trend for Trent University’s Catharine Parr Traill College, In 2015, she relocated to the corner of Charlotte and Park streets in downtown Peterborough where she opened her luncheonette and provided take-home meals.
Bonnie says, that with the COVID-19 pandemic, she has lost more than 90 per cent of her business, which comes from catering large gatherings such as weddings, parties, and conferences.
“If you have booked a party with us, or a wedding for this year, and hope to reschedule if we are allowed to congregate at a later date, I do have ability to work out of professional kitchens, so don’t fret,” she writes. “We’re not going anywhere, just going dormant for a little while, while we take some time and space to figure out what catering, our true profession, will look like in the future.”
Peterborough & the Kawarthas Tourism pivots from five-year plan to developing short-term tourism recovery due to COVID-19

Earlier this year, Peterborough & the Kawarthas Tourism began the process of developing a five-year destination development strategy and action plan to guide the sustainable growth of tourism for the region — a key component of Peterborough & the Kawarthas Economic Development’s Future Ready: 2020-2024 regional economic development plan.
The stakeholder engagement phase had been completed and the consulting firm involved with developing the plan, Bannikin Travel & Tourism, were preparing to draft the long-term strategy when the COVID-19 pandemic hit Ontario.
On Monday (May 11), Peterborough & the Kawarthas Economic Development announced the original project would be placed on hold temporarily, so that the organization can shift focus on developing a short-term tourism recovery phase. Work on the five-year destination development strategy and action plan will resume once there is a better understanding of the long-term tourism situation once the pandemic is over.
“Normally we would be heading into our busy summer tourism season,” says Peterborough & the Kawarthas Tourism director of tourism Tracie Bertrand. “Due to COVID-19, things will most certainly be different this year, particularly for the businesses that depend on visitor revenue in the summer months. The steps we outline in the recovery phase will work to address the most pressing needs of our community as we continue to navigate these ever-changing circumstances.”
The organization is now encouraging all tourism partners — including government officials, tourism businesses, tourism organizations, arts, entertainment and culture representatives, restauranteurs. and anyone who identifies as being a part of the tourism industry — to answer the following question: “What do you need most to rebuild your tourism business, and the tourism industry as a whole in this region?” All answers can be sent to thekawarthas@gmail.com.
Summer Company program application deadlined extended until May 30

Peterborough & the Kawarthas Economic Development has announced the extension until Saturday, May 30th of the deadline for applications to the Summer Company program.
Summer Company is the Ontario government’s flagship youth entrepreneurship program for students between the ages of 15 and 29 looking to try their hand at business ownership over the summer.
Along with guidance, mentorship, and access to training and resources, the program offers up to $3,000 of start-up money to kickstart a summer business. It is delivered locally through the Peterborough & the Kawarthas Business Advisory Centre.
For more information and to apply, visit peterboroughed.ca/summer.
Nominations open for Peterborough Business Excellence Awards
Nominations are now open for the Greater Peterborough Chamber of Commerce’s 17th Annual Peterborough Business Excellence Awards.
Businesses and individuals within the city and county of Peterborough are eligible for the awards, and do not need to be members of the Chamber of Commerce. Self-nominations are encouraged.
Award categories are Business Citizen of the Year, Employer of the Year, Local Focus, Entrepreneurial Spirit, Micro Business, Hospitality, Marketing & Promotion, Health & Wellness, Not-for-Profit, Professional Services, Retail, Commercial Development or Renovation, Innovation/Research & Development, Customer First, Green Initiatives, Business Student Leadership Prizes, Skilled Trades, Tourism, 4-under-40 Profiles, and New Canadian Entrepreneur of the Year.
The deadline for nominations is 4:30 p.m. on Thursday, July 2nd. Apply at excellencepeterborough.ca
Three finalists in each category will be announced in August, with the award recipients revealed in the fall.
COVID-19 virtual town hall with Doug Ford and Vic Fedeli on May 14
The Ontario Chamber of Commerce is hosting a virtual town hall with Ontario Premier Doug Ford and Minister of Economic Development, Job Creation and Trade Vic Fedeli from 2:30 to 3:30 p.m. on Thursday, May 14th.
Both men will address questions on public health efforts, relief programs, and the road to economic recovery.
Businesses of all industries and sizes are encouraged to attend. There is no cost to participate.
A link to the Zoom video conference will be provided after registering at eventbrite.ca/e/town-hall-with-premier-doug-ford-and-minister-victor-fedeli-tickets-104671575500
Webinar on digital marketing and selling during COVID-19 on May 14
The Innovation Cluster Peterborough and the Kawarthas is hosting a virtual seminar called “Hands-ON: Digital Marketing And Selling During COVID-19” from 12 to 2 p.m. on Thursday, May 14th.
The workshop is facilitated by Rose Terry, marketing manager and senior innovation specialist with the Innovation Cluster. The workshop will help you understand how marketing has changed during COVID-19 and how you can implement a digital marketing strategy to reflect the shifted marketing landscape.
This is a follow-up workshop to “Marketing Strategies for Startups During COVID-19” and, if you didn’t attend that workshop, watch the video below.
VIDEO: Hands ON: Marketing Strategies for Startups during COVID 19
The workshop is free. To register for “Hands-ON: Digital Marketing And Selling During COVID-19”, visit eventbrite.com/e/hands-on-digital-marketing-and-selling-during-covid-19-tickets-103245538184.
Webinar for existing businesses on implementing e-commerce on May 14
Sponsored by Downtown Cobourg and the Town of Cobourg Economic Development, Venture13 is hosting a virtual seminar called “Transitioning Your Business From ‘Brick to Click'” from 11 a.m. to 12 p.m. on Thursday, May 14th.
In this webinar, you’ll learn how to transition your brick-and-mortar business to e-commerce, including using tools such as Shopify, Squarespace, GSuite, Slack, and Calendly to sell your products, organize your business, and keep the lines of communication open with both your staff and your customers.
The webinar will be presented by Ditto founder Marquis Murray and @PB+J co-founders Tom Collver and Kyle Dutka.
To register for this free webinar, visit eventbrite.com/e/transitioning-your-business-from-brick-to-click-registration-104333610638.
For more business-related events in the Kawarthas, check out our Business Events column.