These are uncertain times indeed, and as we head into fall — traditionally a time of gatherings and celebrations — fall art shows and fundraisers things have a different feeling this year.
This year digital is the word, and the venues that are open to the public are taking as many precautions as possible to maintain public safety and stop any potential spread of germs. The resulting art scene is curtailed to say the least, but artists and organizations soldier on armed with mask and sanitizer, many turning to digital shows, online auctions, and online workshops to engage with the public.
This October, the Art Gallery of Peterborough presents “It’s All About ARTISTS” online auction in place of their annual in-person gala fundraiser and auction. The Art School of Peterborough is offering online workshop options, and the Kawartha Art Gallery in Lindsay has gone entirely online.

The First Friday art crawl will be happening in October in downtown Peterborough, but with COVID-19 safety restrictions in place. There will be open studios throughout the Commerce Building during First Friday, including an opening for textile artist Melanie McCall’s show at Atelier Ludmila and new work by Joe Stable at ACME Art and Sailboat Company, and the second half of Kathryn Durst’s mural in the Commerce Building alleyway will be ready for viewing the same evening.
The Kawartha Artists’ Gallery and Studio has rebranded. Now known as Studio 201, they have a new space in the PACE building in Peterborough. Workshops are not yet underway, but the outdoor painters group meets regularly and is open to anyone wishing to join in. Finally, the Wildewood Gallery in Maynoooth is once more open to the public, and is featuring a group show of area artists.
The Art School of Peterborough is now offering online workshops

As the pandemic continues to plague us, the Art School of Peterborough has begun to offer take-home pottery kits, with the workshop instructions available online.
The idea is that people can get together at home or out on someone’s deck and work on their project, which are then dropped at the Art School to be fired in a kiln.
So far the workshops have been a success, yielding adorable armies of little owls, chickens, and lawn gnomes. Check the Art School’s website to see what is up next and maybe gather on a friend’s porch to complete your own fun fall project!
The Art School of Peterborough is located at 174A Charlotte Street in Peterborough. Hours of operation are 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Tuesday to Friday and 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. on Saturday. For more information about programs or the Launch Gallery, you can reach them by phone at 705-742-3221, or find them online at artschoolptbo.org.
Atelier Ludmila presents Melanie McCall’s ‘Communing/Discovering Inner Archaeology within Nature’

Textile artist Melanie McCall’s ‘Communing/Discovering Inner Archaeology within Nature’ is a series of cloth collages that represent a meditative process of stitching, dyeing,and working with natural materials.
The show at Atelier Ludmila in downtown Peterborough will run from Friday, October 2nd to Sunday, October 25th, with opening night from 6 to 10 p.m. as part of the First Friday festivities.
Melanie will also be leading a workshop on her process. For more information on how to sign up, visit atelierludmila.com/melanie-mccall-2/.
Atelier Ludmila is located on the second floor of the Commerce Building (129 1/2 Hunter St. W., Peterborough). For more information, visit atelierludmila.com.
VIDEO: Atelier Ludmila presents Melanie McCall Part Three: Cloth Collage
A COVID-safe First Friday Peterborough art crawl on October 2nd

Along with the opening of Melanie McCall’s show at Atelier Ludmila, other studios in the Commerce Building will also be open to the public during First Friday, including ACME Art and Sailboat Company where artist Joe Stable will be exhibiting his latest drawings.
Masks and physical distancing will be expected at all time and enforced, with only limited numbers allowed in indoor spaces at one time.
Over at Peterborough Square, the second day of the Artisans Centre Peterborough’s Masked Artisans Market (which runs from 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. from October 1st to 3rd) will be extended until 8 p.m. on Friday, October 2nd to coincide with the art crawl.
Kathryn Durst’s downtown Peterborough mural (second edition) to be completed by October 2nd

If you’re interested in a bit of physically distanced socializing, but may not feel safe in an indoor space during First Friday, drop by and take a peek at another excellent mural by illustrator Kathryn Durst.
The mural — commissioned by First Friday Peterborough — is located in the alleyway of the Commerce Building, at the northwest corner of Water and Hunter streets in downtown Peterborough
Last month Durst painted one side of the alley, and this month she has painted the other side! She is currently finishing it up and it will be freshly painted and ready for viewing as of 6 p.m. on Friday, October 2nd.
There may be a few outdoor vendors and patios to enjoy as well, so make a night of it.
Kawartha Artists’ Gallery and Studio rebrands as Studio 201 and welcomes newcomers to their outdoor painters group

The new Studio 201, formerly Kawartha Artists Gallery and Studio, are set up in their new space in the PACE building at 201 McDonnell Street in Peterborough.
Programming is currently on hold due to cautionary measures related to the pandemic (they’re hoping to re-open in mid-October), but the outdoor painters group is alive and well.
If you’re interested in joining in, look out for their next “paint out” at www.studio201.ca/outdoor-painters-group. This sounds like a great way to connect with other artists in a safe outdoor space, while enjoying the beautiful fall weather.
Studio 201 is a cooperative artists’ studio located at 201 McDonnel Street in Peterborough. For more information, visit www.studio201.ca.
Art Gallery of Peterborough presents “It’s All About ARTISTS!” online auction in support of local artists

This year, the Art Gallery of Peterborough has reinvented their annual in-person “It’s All About ART!” fundraiser gala and art auction as “It’s All About ARTISTS!”. The new incarnation is an online auction supporting artists that will begin accepting bids on Friday, October 23rd and close on Saturday, November 7th.
The show of available work will be up in the gallery to be viewed by appointment only as of Thursday, October 8th and will run until November 7, allowing interested parties to book a time and see the work in person. Auction pieces will be posted on the gallery’s website as well during the course of the exhibit.
In the spirit of helping the arts community, all proceeds will go directly to each artist this year (minus a small auction transaction fee). This is the gallery’s way of helping out in a time when many artists have lost revenue due the closure of galleries and community spaces and events.
This event has been made possible by George Ripoll of BMO Nesbitt Burns, LLF Lawyers, and a number of other generous donors, and the gallery is gratefully accepting donations.
For more information about “It’s All About ARTISTS!”, including how to bid, visit agp.on.ca/events/all-about-artists/.
Wildewood Gallery in Maynooth reopens

After a period of safety-related closure during which the gallery continued to exhibit and sell work online, the Wildewood Gallery in Maynooth is open to the public once more.
They are currently showing a selection of work by Laura Culic, Amy Doole, Ken Fraser, Rocky Green, Henry Gordon, Margo Merritt and Freddie Towe. Drop in and have a look, but please practice physical distancing and wear a mask.
The Wildewood Gallery is located at 33012 Highway 62 North in Maynooth. Hours of operation are 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Monday through Saturday and 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. on Sunday. For more information, call 613-338-3134 of visit them on Facebook.
Kawartha Art Gallery in Lindsay is now showing exclusively online

Lindsay’s Kawartha Art Gallery has gone completely digital! Though closed to the public for the time being (they hope to re-open under modified hours in early October), you can now look through the gallery online, as well as view past and present exhibitions.
Many artists and arts organizations are maintaining a much stronger presence on the web these days and are still managing to sell some work and highlight individual artists by creating more interactive platforms with which to view visual art.
Visit www.kawarthagallery.com to see the new online gallery featuring their permanent collection as well as featured work by a variety of local artists.
The Kawartha Art Gallery is located on the second floor at 190 Kent Street West in Lindsay. While the gallery is not currently open to the public, gallery staff are available from Monday to Friday from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. by phone or email at 705-324-1780 or art@kawarthagallery.com.