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Articles by Paul Rellinger

Paul Rellinger
785 Articles
Paul Rellinger a.k.a Relly is an award-winning journalist and longtime former newspaper editor still searching for the perfect lead. When he's not putting pen to paper, Paul is on a sincere but woefully futile quest to own every postage stamp ever issued. A rabid reader of history, Paul claims to know who killed JFK but can't say out of fear for the safety of his oh so supportive wife Mary, his three wonderful kids and his three spirited grandchildren. Paul counts among his passions Peterborough's rich live music scene, the Toronto Maple Leafs, slopitch and retrieving golf balls from the woods. You can follow Paul on Twitter at @rellywrites.
Dub poet Chet Singh is releasing his latest album "Age of Rage" at The Pig's Ear in downtown Peterborough on November 17, 2024. The Jamaican-born Lakefield resident and Centennial College professor will perform with his longtime collaborators Caylie and Gerhard Gepard along with special guest Lillian Allen, Toronto's poet laureate. (Photo courtesy of Chet Singh)

Dub poet Chet Singh still has much to say on his sixth album

Jamaican-born Lakefield resident releases his new album 'Age of Rage' on November 17 at The Pig's Ear in downtown Peterborough.
Around 400 people gathered outside Peterborough City Hall on November 12, 2024 to protest a proposed 25 per cent across-the-board cut in the City of Peterborough's 2025 draft budget to grants to community organizations. (Photo: Paul Rellinger / kawarthaNOW)

Huge rally at Peterborough city hall protests proposed cuts to arts and social services...

Rally calls on city councillors to reject staff recommendation that 75 community grant recipients receive 25% less in 2025.
encoreNOW for November 11, 2024 features (from left to right, top and bottom) Impros vs. Joes on November 15, "What's in Your Songbook" on November 17, "The Wizard of Oz" from November 22 to 24, Russell deCarle on November 23, "Rapunzel - A Merry (Hairy) Holiday Panto" from November 22 to December 22, and "Raven Mother" on November 26. (kawarthaNOW collage)

encoreNOW – November 11, 2024

Improv comedy hilarity at the Gordon Best, Russell deCarle's return to a Peterborough stage, Public Energy's third presentation of its new season, and more.
Singer-songwriter Russell deCarle, the former Prairie Oyster frontman who has enjoyed a solo career since 2010, returns to perform in Peterborough for the first time in five years with a show at the Gordon Best Theatre on November 23, 2024, with Lotus Wight opening. (Publicity photo)

Singer-songwriter Russell deCarle returns to Peterborough with new material and continued exuberance

Former Prairie Oyster frontman headlines the Gordon Best Theatre with his trio on November 23, five years after his last stop here.
Upset residents confronted workers at Bonnerworth Park in Peterborough on November 6, 2024 as heavy machinery began preparatory work for the city's $4.4 million redevelopment of the greenspace, which would see the installation of an expanded skateboard park, a new bike pump track, and 14 pickleball courts. A legal firm representing the 'Friends of Bonnerworth Park' citizen group has served the City of Peterborough with notice of an application for an injunction to stop work in the park, with a court hearing date set for November 25. (Photo: Taras Pater)

City of Peterborough closes Bonnerworth Park to public as stop-work injunction hearing set

'Friends of Bonnerworth Park' citizen group's bid to stop city from redeveloping park for pickleball courts and more is headed to court on November 25.
Alex Bilyan, chief sales officer and co-founder of WorkScore.ai, was the winner of $10,000 at the Innovation Cluster's LevelUP Pitch Competition at Market Hall Performing Arts Centre in downtown Peterborough on November 6, 2024. WorkScore.ai is an platform powered by artificial intelligence and smart wristbands for warehouse workers that identifies inefficiencies in warehouse operations. (Photo: Paul Rellinger / kawarthaNOW)

AI-powered warehouse efficiency platform wins Innovation Cluster’s LevelUP Pitch Competition

WorkScore.ai beat out nine other entrepreneurs to claim $10,000 prize during judged event at Peterborough's Market Hall.
Carried Away and the Convivio Chorus perform at the 2015 In From The Cold concert at Market Hall Performing Arts Centre in downtown Peterborough. The 2024 benefit concert for YES Shelter for Youth and Families takes place on Friday, December 6th and Saturday, December 7th. (Photo: Linda McIlwain / kawarthaNOW)

‘In From The Cold’ Christmas benefit concert returns to Market Hall for a milestone...

Annual fundraiser for Peterborough's YES Shelter for Youth and Families delivers a seasonal and winter-themed music gift December 6 and 7.
The City of Peterborough celebrated the official opening of its new Fire Station No. 2 in the city's north end with an open house on October 31, 2024. Located at 100 Marina Boulevard, the station is the city's first facility to be certified as a net-zero carbon and net-zero energy building, using passive solar design and renewable energy sources to achieve its net-zero goals. (Photo: Paul Rellinger / kawarthaNOW)

Peterborough’s new $11-million Fire Station No. 2 officially opens on Marina Boulevard

Former site of Northcrest Arena is home to the first city-owned net-zero carbon and net-zero energy building.
Kerry Griffin performs an unconventional kind of therapy on Mark Rostrup as Janet Van Der Graaff, Linda Kash, and Naomi Snieckus look on during klusterfork's "School's Out!" improv show at the Market Hall in July 2023. Griffin and Van Der Graaff are two of the improv professionals who will perform in klusterfork's "Impros vs. Joes" improv comedy show at the Gordon Best Theatre in downtown Peterborough on November 15, 2024, along with klusterfork's "Keep Me Up" improv workshop students. (Photo: Andy Carroll)

Hilarious improv returns to Peterborough’s Gordon Best Theatre with another edition of Impros vs....

November 15 show sees seasoned improv professionals join klusterfork co-founders Linda Kash and Pat Maitland and their improv workshop students.
Left to right, top and bottom: pianist David Jalbert is the guest artist at the Peterborough Symphony Orchestra's season-opening concert, Sarah McLachlan performs at the Peterborough Memorial Centre, Shipyard Kitchen Party presents an original music about the Great War, Murray McLauchlan performs at Port Hope's Capitol Theatre, Peterborough Pop Ensemble presents a concert featuring songs from the big band and swing era, and Globus Theatre presents its latest murder mystery dinner experience. (kawarthaNOW collage)

encoreNOW – October 28, 2024

Featuring the Peterborough Symphony Orchestra, Sarah McLachlan, Shipyard Kitchen Party, Murray McLauchlan, Peterborough Pop Ensemble, and Globus Theatre.

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