Tom Phillips, Ph.D., is famous for a lot more than his work at Trent University and Fleming College as an expert in economics.
“He’s a great golfer and friend,” explains Ian Armstrong, Athletic Director of Lakefield College School. “Ask him about his lacrosse career. Tom has been key in helping to create and carry on a winning tradition here in Peterborough.”
Indeed. Tom was a member of the 1961 Minto Cup winning Peterborough Juniors, and since then has been involved with the team which has won the Cup 12 times — more than any other lacrosse community in Canada.
“Peterborough has won 26 national lacrosse championships in 60 years,” says Tom. Even more remarkable is the fact the vast majority of the players hail from Peterborough.
“It’s one thing to win a national championship in any sport in a big-city arena filled with adoring fans,” Tom says. “It’s another to win a national championship at home, alongside your life-long peers and in front of a crowd of people who you have a personal connection with.”
A member of the faculty at Fleming College and Trent University, Tom’s in-depth knowledge of Peterborough stems from being born and raised here and educated at Trent University. “After Trent, I went on to get my Ph.D. in Economics at the New School for Social Research in New York City,” he says.
Tom has participated in — and has an in-depth knowledge of — many different sectors of the Peterborough region’s economy. His community knowledge and experiences make him a regular commentator on the nature of the economy of Peterborough.
“Our economic future depends on us better understanding the myths that constrain us and realities that enable us,” says Tom.
At Market Hall on April 10, we’ll be excited to hear how Tom has been “unstoppable” when it comes to striving for and achieving excellence in both the worlds of academia and sport.

Have you ever wondered how some people go the distance — and beyond? Find out at the Peterborough Speakers Series, an unforgettable evening of thought-provoking entertainment featuring seven acclaimed speakers.
This year’s speakers are Ashley Brzozowicz (2012 Olympic Silver Medalist), Ted Higgins (President, Peterborough Lakers), Shannon McNevan (Partner, Boots and Hearts Music Festival), John Moss (Mystery Writer), Bill and Barb Johnston (Dynamic Duo Motivational Speakers), Dr. Tom Phillips (Trent University, Economic Commentator), and Derek McGrath (Actor/Musician).
The Greater Peterborough Health Services Foundation presents Unstoppable, the third annual Peterborough Speakers Series, at 7 p.m. on Wednesday, April 10, 2013 at The Market Hall (140 Charlotte St., Peterborough). Doors open at 6 p.m. with speakers presenting at 7 p.m. Each guest will speak for 10 to 15 minutes, and there will be a cocktail reception following the speeches where attendees can meet and mingle with the speakers. Tickets are $50, with proceeds from the event supporting the Health Services Foundation.