Kawartha Chamber Members Invited To Peterborough Chamber’s Summer Social PBX – July 3rd
Members of the Kawartha Chamber have been invited to the Peterborough Chamber’s county fair-themed Summer Social Peterborough Business Exchange at Kawartha Lakes Construction.
The event will take place from 4 to 6 p.m. on Tuesday, July 3rd at 3359 Lakefield Road, Lakefield.
This is a great opportunity to meet and connect with fellow community members. There will be tons of games, prizes, and delicious refreshments to go around to celebrate the season and our community.
Did you know?
Chamber members have access to the Chamber’s Esso Business Card gas discount program! Sign up to get a 3.5 cent/litre fuel discount, as well as savings on oil, top-up fluids, and car washes.
Find out more about this and other great discount programs available to Chamber members on the Member Discounts page.
Five Minutes For Business: State Of The Economy
In this edition of the Canadian Chamber of Commerce’s Five Minutes for Business series, Chamber Chief Economist Trevin Stratton (Ph.D.) examines Canada’s economic performance up to the mid-point of 2018 and considers what the latter half of the year might have in store for us.
The article examines such topics as tariffs, trade talks, pipelines, and electoral change. Read the full article.
Tourism Industry Awards Nominations Open
The Tourism Industry Association of Ontario has announced nominations for various tourism organization awards:
- The Tourism Industry Awards of Excellence (TIAO)
- Culinary Tourism Awards of Excellence (Culinary Tourism Alliance)
- Ontario’s Choice Awards (Attractions Ontario)
- Tourism Marketing & Travel Media Awards of Excellence (Destination Ontario)
For more information on each organization’s awards, and to nominate a business, visit www.tiaontario.ca/cpages/2018ontariotourismawards.
Agilec Presents Turn The Tables On Hunger – June 21st in Lakefield
Agilec Lakefield is hosting their annual Turn the Tables on Hunger food drive.
Agilec’s Lakefield location will be hosting a food drive on Thursday, June 21st from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. in partnership with Lakefield Foodland, located at 1 Queen Street. All proceeds will be donated to the Lakefield Food Bank, a local charity dedicated to helping those in need.
Turn the Tables on Hunger is a corporate social responsibility initiative that Agilec created and actively participates in year round. The company also chooses one day every June for all 180 staff members in 17 locations across the province to get out into their communities and contribute in some way to eradicating hunger. In previous years, Agilec has volunteered over 1,500 hours, raised more than $18,000, and donated over 2000 pounds of food to local charities.
McLean and Buckhorn Berry Farms New Logo And Website
McLean and Buckhorn Berry Farms has unveiled their new logo (above) and website at mcleanberryfarm.com.
Check out McLean Berry Farm at 2191 16th Line in Lakefield and Buckhorn Berry Farm at 3055 Berrie Road in Lakefield for fresh fruit, vegetables, jams, maple syrup and more. Pick your own and pre-picked options available.
Trent Lakes Streetscape And Master Plan Revealed
The Municipality of Trent Lakes has released survey information regarding their Streetscape and Greenspace Master Plan for Buckhorn.
Consultation with the public has lead to clear indications of what the residents of Trent Lakes feel are key targets for this plan.
A large majority of respondents (72 per cent) indicated that the primary focus of the development efforts should be on Lakehurst Road and the new park land areas. In terms of investment focus, 31 per cent of respondents indicated sidewalks and trails should be the focus, another 26 per cent chose streetscape improvements, and 20 per cent indicated waterfront amenities as a key area for investment.
Feedback from Trent Lake staff and community members analyzed by the firm Skelton Brumwell & Associates has produced a set of eleven recommendations for the Master Plan. These recommendations have been strategically devised as modules, to be implemented as funding becomes available.
Jazz Tour Lakefield – June 23rd

In celebration of the Lakefield Jazz, Art, and Craft Festival’s 20th anniversary, the Township of Selwyn is hosting a promotional jazz tour on Saturday, June 23rd.
Jazz bands will be playing at different times and locations in Lakefield. Bands and locations include the The L’ll Big Band in Cenotaph Park, Pete Woolidge and Federico Pontani at The Chocolate Rabbit and The Nuddy Bean, Sean Hully at Lakefield Pantry and Happenstance Books and Yarn, Chris Smith at The Thirsty Loon, and more.
Find out more about music times and locations.
Lakefield Literary Festival 2018 List Of Authors – July 13 to 15

The authors’ list for the 2018 Lakefield Literary Festival has been revealed. The festival will take place July 13th to 15th.
Some great authors are involved this year, including Johanna Schneller, Michael Redhill, and Michelle Berry.
Visit lakefieldliteraryfestival.com for a full list of authors, as well as their book descriptions and bios.
Tickets are available online at the website or at Happenstance Books & Yarn in Lakefield.
Camp Kawartha Surf ‘N’ Turf Gala Dinner And Auction This Weekend

Camp Kawartha’s annual Surf ‘n’ Turf Gala and Auction fundraiser is this weekend.
Attendees will enjoy a dinner of steak and lobster, and have the opportunity to bid on a variety of amazing items and services.
Visit kawarthachamber.ca to register and for more information.
Chamber Members are Hiring
- Pine Vista Resort – Summer Housekeepers
- Camp Kawartha – Cook – Team Leader
If your business or organization has a job opportunity you would like to advertise, you can add them to the Chamber’s website through your Member Information Centre account (or submit the description to info@kawarthachamber.ca) and the Chamber will share them in its next Newsflash.
Peterborough Public Health Resumes Water Testing At Public Beaches
Peterborough Public Health has announced that it will be resuming testing of water at many public beaches in Peterborough County for E. Coli bacteria, an indicator of fecal contamination, throughout the summer.
Follow @Ptbohealth on Twitter for regular updates on local water conditions. Beaches within the city will be sampled every business day, while county beaches will be tested on a weekly basis.
Peterborough Public Health would like to remind the public of some of the main factors that can result in unsafe levels of bacteria between inspection times: heavy rainfall, large numbers of waterfowl, high winds or wave activity, large numbers of swimmers.
Read more, including a list of beaches that will be tested this summer.
Lakefield Triathlon – June 24th (map of road closures available)
The Lakefield Triathlon is scheduled for Sunday, June 24th. This is an Ontario Youth and Junior Cup series race, open to athletes of all abilities aged four to 19.
The event is expected to bring hundreds of athletes and their families from all over Ontario to Lakefield. Registration for the Triathlon closes on Wednesday, June 20th.
See a map of road closures.
The races will start at Lakefield College School at 8 a.m. and spectators are welcome. Parking can be found at Lakefield College School until 8 a.m. and at the Lakefield-Smith Community Centre after that.
For more information or to register as a racer, visit www.lakefieldtriathlon.ca.
Great Canadian Giving Challenge on Now until June 30th
The Great Canadian Giving Challenge is on now until June 30th.
Give to any registered Canadian charity by the end of June and they will be automatically entered to win $10,000! Note that donations must be made through the charity’s donation challenge page.
This challenge makes it a great time to donate to a cause you believe in! Visit the Challenge website at givingchallenge.ca for more details and to donate.
Check the Chamber’s business directory and keep an eye out for some member organizations that are charities.
Upcoming Events
- Lakefield Farmers’ Market – June 21st (and every Thursday)
- Camp Kawartha’s Surf ‘n’ Turf Gala Dinner and Auction – June 23rd
- Jazz Tour Lakefield – June 23rd
- Lakefield Triathlon – June 24th
- Tek Savvy Seniors Seminar – June 27th
- Family Paddle Day – June 27th
- Lakefield Jamboree – June 28th to July 1st
- Gallery on the Lake Mark Berens Exhibit Opens – June 30th
- Canada Day Celebrations – July 1st
For more information about the businesses and events listed above, please visit the Kawartha Chamber of Commerce & Tourism website at kawarthachamber.ca.
All photos supplied by Kawartha Chamber of Commerce except where noted.