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Articles by GreenUP
How to use less water in your yard and garden this summer
Water Wise techniques reduce water consumption and ensure every drop is used to its full potential.
Top 10 environmental books for your summer reading list
GreenUP staff picks of green classics ranging from novels to non-fiction to children's books.
Dance (and more) in the streets of downtown Peterborough this Saturday
Family-friendly Peterborough Pulse open streets festival returns for its fourth year on July 21.
Here’s how you can help Ontario’s threatened turtles
All eight of Ontario turtle species are now considered at risk.
Where to fill up your water bottle for free in the Kawarthas
GreenUp's BlueW program promotes safe and environmentally friendly municipal tap water.
Ecology Park is an oasis of nature hidden in the heart of Peterborough
Showcase of sustainable landscape ideas and resources is managed by GreenUP staff and volunteers.
What you can do to help Ontario’s troubled native bees
National Pollinator Week celebrates pollinators and raises awareness about how to protect them,
Peterborough Children’s Water Festival helps kids discover the importance of water
This year's festival on June 6 and 7 saw record attendance and 36 activity centres.
Your guide to a waste-free picnic season
Avoid the waste without losing the taste with these tips from GreenUP.
Streets aren’t just for cars … they’re for people too
GreenUP programs help residents re-imagine their neighbourhoods with streets that are safe for all.