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Articles by GreenUP

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For more than 30 years, Peterborough GreenUP has been central and eastern Ontario's leading environmental organization focused on education, sustainability, and stewardship. GreenUP is a non-profit charitable organization and an active community organization that offers dozens of programs and services to those living in Peterborough and Kawartha Lakes. For more information, visit greenup.on.ca
The GreenUP Water Wise program recognizes residents that have adopted Water Wise landscaping practices, such as reducing the amount of lawn in their yard, planting rough-tolerant native species, and using a rain barrel, all of which help to reduce reliance on municipal water. (Photo: GreenUP)

How to use less water in your yard and garden this summer

Water Wise techniques reduce water consumption and ensure every drop is used to its full potential.
GreenUP's top 10 list of green summer books provides you with a variety of reads that are sure to keep you relaxed, healthy, and informed this summer while you are cottaging, camping, beaching, or relaxing in your own backyard. Most are available for loan from the Peterborough Public Library. (Photo: Karen Halley)

Top 10 environmental books for your summer reading list

GreenUP staff picks of green classics ranging from novels to non-fiction to children's books.
Peterborough Pulse, the annual festival that transforms the streets of downtown Peterborough into a playground for everyone, returns for its fourth year from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. on Saturday, July 21st. (Photo: Vicky Paradisis)

Dance (and more) in the streets of downtown Peterborough this Saturday

Family-friendly Peterborough Pulse open streets festival returns for its fourth year on July 21.
In April 2018, the Committee on the Status of Endangered Wildlife in Canada assessed the Midland Painted Turtle as a species of "special concern" under the federal Species At Risk Act. Under Ontario's Endangered Species Act, seven additional species of turtles are listed as threatened, endangered, or of special concern, with an eigth species listed as extirpated (extinct in Ontario). (Photo: Appaloosa CC BY-NC 2.0)

Here’s how you can help Ontario’s threatened turtles

All eight of Ontario turtle species are now considered at risk.
GreenUP Water Programs Coordinator Jenn McCallum places a BlueW Ptbo decal in the window at Black Honey Café on Hunter Street in downtown Peterborough. Look for the decal across the Kawarthas at businesses and public service buildings, marking them as destinations for re-filling up your reusable water bottle for free, or check bluewptbo.ca for a full listing. (Photo: Karen Halley / GreenUP)

Where to fill up your water bottle for free in the Kawarthas

GreenUp's BlueW program promotes safe and environmentally friendly municipal tap water.
The GreenUP Ecology Park is one of Peterborough's hidden gems. Located beside Beavermead Park, the five-acre park offers display gardens and naturalized areas, a native plant nursery, children's programs, a garden market, skills-building workshops, hands-on displays, and more. (Photo: GreenUP)

Ecology Park is an oasis of nature hidden in the heart of Peterborough

Showcase of sustainable landscape ideas and resources is managed by GreenUP staff and volunteers.
Ontario is home to over 300 different species of bee including the bumblebee, an important agricultural pollinator. Like other native wild bees, bumblebees are experiencing a decline in population because of habitat loss, the mechanisation of agriculture, and pesticides. There are things you can do to help protect pollinators, including bees. (Photo: Wikipedia)

What you can do to help Ontario’s troubled native bees

National Pollinator Week celebrates pollinators and raises awareness about how to protect them,
Students attending this 2018 Peterborough Children’s Water Festival hold up their favourite invertebrates. The Otonabee Conservation activity centre allows children to get up close with many aquatic bugs and insects to understand how their unique features allow them to live in water. This year's festival, which took place on June 6th and 7th, had registration numbers. (Photo: Karen Halley / GreenUP)

Peterborough Children’s Water Festival helps kids discover the importance of water

This year's festival on June 6 and 7 saw record attendance and 36 activity centres.
GreenUP staff enjoy a picnic at Ecology Park in Peterborough using waste-free and reusable alternatives to disposable and single-use food packing options. Stainless steel containers, water bottles, reusable drinking boxes, lunch bags, totes, and fabric snack bags -- available at the GreenUP Store -- will help you create a convenient, nutritious, and fun picnic. (Photo: Vern Bastable / GreenUP)

Your guide to a waste-free picnic season

Avoid the waste without losing the taste with these tips from GreenUP.
Pulse Pop-Ups are neighbourhood-scaled open street events, also known internationally as play streets, where neighbours turn their residential streets into spaces for playing and gathering for music, food, arts, and play. This Pulse Pop-Up on Harvey Street in Peterborough included a bike playground, as shown, a jug band, pop-up bike lanes, chalk murals, a BBQ, and more. (Photo: Karen Halley)

Streets aren’t just for cars … they’re for people too

GreenUP programs help residents re-imagine their neighbourhoods with streets that are safe for all.

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