Home Authors Articles by GreenUP
Articles by GreenUP
Why are people still buying bottled water?
Municipal tap water is the best choice for drinking water.
Celebrate our local trails on International Trails Day
Trail-related activities taking place on Saturday, June 3 in Peterborough, Lakefield, Millbrook, and more.
Gardening with wild and local plants is the natural choice
GreenUP's Annual Ecology Park Plant Sale takes place May 21 in Peterborough.
Dealing with heavy rain and planning for future flooding
Help protect your home from water damage by installing rain barrels and a rain garden.
Make your May even greener with GreenUP events and workshops
Rain barrels, Ecology Park plant sale, seeds, Community Shifting Gears, and cycling.
Volunteers power the heartbeat of Peterborough Pulse
Contribute to a happier and healthier Peterborough by volunteering at this year's open streets event.
Make the shift this spring to active and sustainable transportation
Community Shifting Gears challenge encourages you walk, bike, carpool, or ride transit.
How to do spring cleaning the green way
Avoid chemical cleaners this year for a healthier home and a healthier environment
Get cycling this spring with free Thursday Bike Nights
New weekly program offers family-friendly workshops, tune-ups, group rides and more.
Stoop and scoop to help our waterways
Tips on how to dispose your pet waste properly.