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Articles by GreenUP

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For more than 30 years, Peterborough GreenUP has been central and eastern Ontario's leading environmental organization focused on education, sustainability, and stewardship. GreenUP is a non-profit charitable organization and an active community organization that offers dozens of programs and services to those living in Peterborough and Kawartha Lakes. For more information, visit greenup.on.ca
The GreenUP Store carries Clean and Green Ice Melter by Swish, an alternative to salt that's gentle on vegetation, concrete, water, and floors. It's not corrosive and is completely safe to handle with bare hands, so it's safer around children and pets, too. (Photo: Karen Halley)

Clearing the way without salt this winter

Environmentally friendly alternatives are also more effective at lower temperatures.
Bird watching is a great family activity. It provides children with the opportunity to develop an interest in local wildlife. With some patience and by being very still, you can even train Chickadees to feed right from your hand – an experience that is sure to bring joy to all. (Photo courtesy of GreenUP)

Help our feathered friends this winter by becoming a backyard birder

Watching and feeding birds is a great activity for the entire family.
In 2016, GreenUP provided nature-related education to more than 1,600 students at Ecology Park, including the "Open Hive!" event this past fall as part of the GreenUP Community Beekeeping Program (photo: Karen Halley)

Five environmental successes in 2016 for the Peterborough area

GreenUp looks back at its accomplishments as the environmental organization enters its 25th year.
Unique environmentally friendly stocking stuffers have been specially selected at the GreenUP Store to allow you the freedom to shop with confidence knowing that anything you choose has been carefully sourced to meet high environmental standards.

10 eco-friendly stocking stuffers under $10

Unique gifts that make you feel good too, with all proceeds supporting environmental programs in our community.
In celebration of GreenUP’s 25th year, plans are being made to make improvements to the facilities at GreenUP Ecology Park which is located on Ashburnham Drive, in the heart of Peterborough (graphic: GreenUP)

Improvements to Ecology Park are in the works for GreenUP’s 25th year

Plans include improving the teaching shelter, replacing the hand washing station, and adding a drinking water station.
Switching to eco-friendly gift wrapping does not mean you have to forgo the excitement. Old books, magazines, and maps can be repurposed into decorative envelopes and bows while pinecones, birch bark, and small sprigs of evergreen can add decorative personal touches to your gifts. (Photo: GreenUP)

That’s a holiday wrap!

Reduce excessive waste this holiday season with these great ideas for gift wrapping the green way.
Cuttings from Sumac, Spruce, Cedar, Birch, and Dogwood, and more, make beautiful natural holiday decorations, as seen outside the GreenUP Store on Aylmer Street. Holiday decorations made with natural items are simple to create and will biodegrade at the end of the season. (Photo: Karen Halley)

10 tips for planning a green holiday party

How to celebrate sustainably when entertaining friends and family.
Lansdowne Place has been recognized locally and nationally for its commitment to sustainability. Here the mall's security manager Keith Correia, marketing director Emily Dart, and operations manager Mario Serracino Place launch "A Greener Way to Clean Your Tray" in the Lansdowne Place Food Court. (Photo courtesy of Lansdowne Place)

Peterborough mall is community leader in sustainable business practices

Lansdowne Place's green initiatives include energy efficiency, waste diversion, recycling, and more.
Pesticide use is the suspected cause of the collapse of the bee colony at GreenUP's Ecology Park. This frame from one of the GreenUP Community Bee Keeping Program hives shows the diversity of pollen sources that honeybees are finding here in Peterborough. The variation of colour seen in each of the cells is caused by different types of pollen being collected and brought back to the hive. (Photo: Karen Halley, GreenUP)

Bee colony at GreenUP Ecology Park dies

Colony collapse disorder a reminder of importance of taking action to protect pollinators.
Heathy and smart water conservation habits can start early. The bathroom is a great place for kids to learn to turn the tap off when they brush, flush only the 3Ps, and take shorter showers. Each person in your household can save 15-20 litres of water per minute by turning off the tap while they brush.

Five simple tips for saving water in your home

Proper use of water makes treatment facilities more efficient and protects local waterways.

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