Home Authors Articles by Matt Higgs

Articles by Matt Higgs

Matt Higgs
75 Articles
Matt Higgs was GreenUP's Communications and Marketing Specialist and authored a weekly column focused on all things environmental that was published in the Peterborough Examiner and on kawarthaNOW.com. A native of New Brunswick, Matt has called the Kawarthas and Northumberland home since 2008. Follow GreenUP on Twitter or connect with them on Facebook.
Amy Tenbult and Wesley Day of the Love Your Lake Program have been busy on Kasshabog Lake surveying shoreline properties in an effort to learn more about the current state of the lake's shoreline. Information from the survey is then used to prepare an individualized stewardship information reports for each property surveyed. (Photo: Terry Rees)

Loving our lakes

Program finds almost all Lake Kasshabog property owners want to protect water quality.
Register for the Peterborough and Kawarthas Cycling Summit and Youth Bike Summit by visiting p-bac.org. The summit takes place on Saturday, October 4th and is absolutely free.

Peterborough and The Kawarthas Cycling Summit & Youth Bike Summit

Registration is now open for summits taking place at PCVS on Saturday, October 4.
The Home Assistance Program can help you save money on your utility bill by identifying areas in your home which require attention and providing energy-efficient upgrades like insulation, at no cost to eligible homeowners and tenants.

Stay warm and save money with the Home Assistance Program

Free energy-efficient upgrades for income-qualified participants.
It's clear that water is one of our most important natural resources and we must do whatever we can to preserve, conserve and protect it. Making a few simple changes in the way we consume water will not only help our environment, but also save us money at the same time. (Photo: Peterborough GreenUP)

Save money by living water smart

Tips for reducing water consumption both indoors and outdoors.
Composting pet waste is an easy way to help keep harmful bacteria from entering our lakes and rivers, keeping water cleaner for both wildlife and humans

Composting pet waste for a cleaner environment

How to keep your dog's business out of landfills and water systems.
After emerging from their chrysalis, monarch butterflies need time to rest and allow for their wings to strengthen and dry. Three or four hours later, they'll be flying in search of nectar-rich flowers. (Photo: Peterborough GreenUP).

Creating a milkweed corridor for monarchs

Planting milkweed in your backyard can help prevent the decline of the iconic butterfly.
By taking measures like adding insulation or sealing around windows, you can lower utility bills substantially. Enbridge's Winterproofing Program offers such improvements for free to eligible customers. (Photo: Peterborough GreenUp)

Gas customers can save money and stay warmer with free program

Prepare for winter now by weatherproofing your home.
Wheelie, the Student Car Share mascot, was in Peterborough this time last year to celebrate the launch of the the second Student Car Share vehicle in the city. From left: Peterborough MPP Jeff Leal, Student Car Share CEO Michael Lende, Susan Sauve from the City of Peterborough, and GreenUp's Brianna Salmon. (Photo: Peterborough GreenUP).

Peterborough getting behind the car share wheel

Car sharing offers a convenient, affordable, and environmentally friendly transit option.
Removing paved surfaces and replacing them with green space, as was done at the Brock Mission, can help reduce storm water runoff and keep our lakes and rivers cleaner for future generations (photo: Peterborough GreenUP)

Steps you can take to reduce storm water runoff

Protecting the health of our rivers and lakes starts at home.
Learning about birds and other wildlife is just one of the many activities happening during GreenUP's weekly Nature Nocturne's events running throughout the summer. The events are free and run from 6:30 to 8 p.m. each Thursday evening until August 21st. (Photo: Peterborough GreenUP)

Nature Nocturnes Getting Families Outdoors

Free events every Thursday night until August 21 at Ecology Park in Peterborough.

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