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Articles by Pat Trudeau

Pat Trudeau
33 Articles
Pat Trudeau is a local photographer, blogger and community observer. You can find Pat on Twitter at @pattrudeau as well as at the Trudeau Photography website, 500px, and Instagram. Pat's views are his own. They do not necessarily reflect those of kawarthaNOW.com or our sponsors or advertisers.
After Peterborough Utilities Group entered negotiations with Ontario Hydro to sell Peterborough Distribution Inc. (PDI), Peterborough residents gathered at Market Hall in March 2016 for a public information meeting on the sale. Eight months later, on December 7, 2016, Peterborough City Council voted 6-5 in favour of accepting Hydro One's offer for PDI. (Photo: Paul Rellinger / kawarthaNOW)

Opinion: Let the public vote on the sale of PDI

Pat Trudeau doesn't believe polls, consultants, or consultations are sufficient when making such a major decision.

Opinion: Antiquated marijuana laws don’t mean police shouldn’t do their job

Pat Trudeau believes police handled the pot-selling store in downtown Peterborough appropriately.
Peterborough-Kawartha MP Maryam Monsef (centre back) as she accompanies Prime Minister Justin Trudeau and other MPs to swearing-in ceremony at Rideau Hall in Ottawa on November 4. Monsef was appointed to the position of Minister of Democratic Institutions and, at the age of 30, is the second-youngest cabinet minister ever. (Photo: Steve Boyton for kawarthaNOW)

Canada is starting to feel like Canada again

It's time to get past the election and let the new government carry out its agenda.
Pat Trudeau speculates about how recent incidents of U.S. police officers killing unarmed black men affect our view, in the age of 24-hour news and social media, of the actions of local police

The Thin Blue Line

How U.S. police shootings of unarmed black men affect our view of local police actions.
Over half of Canadian women report having experienced at least one incident of physical or sexual violence since the age of 16

A father’s perspective on sexual violence against women

Men need to stop being defensive and start taking responsibility.
Municipal election candidate signs are populating Peterborough neighbourhood lawns. Pat is disturbed by the divisive "-isms" he's seeing from various quarters during the election campaign. (Photo: Pat Trudeau).

Campaign Equality

Let's judge our municipal candidates based only on their characters, accomplishments, and qualifications.
As of September 9, five people have declared their candidacy for the job of Peterborough's mayor. Pictured are incumbent Darryl Bennett, community organizer Maryam Monsef, and former city councillor Patti Peeters; Not pictured are transit advocate Tom Young and George "Terry" Leblanc. (Photos from candidate websites and Facebook).

It’s not only about The Parkway

Where do Peterborough's mayoral candidates stand on issues of economic development, crime, and the cost of living?
Looking south on George Street in Peterborough's downtown core (photo: Pat Trudeau)

Show us the jobs

Upcoming provincial and municipal elections are your chance to hold politicians to account
A pedestrian walks in the bike lane on Hunter St. bridge (photo: Michael Fazackerly)

Peterborough is slipping

Why wasn't the City better prepared to plow side streets and public sidewalks?
Peterborough MP Dean Del Mastro drives a tractor when announcing plans for a tractor parade to open the 2013 Peterborough Exhibition (photo: deandelmastro.ca)

Asleep at the wheel?

Elections Canada's charges against MP Dean Del Mastro are a sign of a bigger problem.

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