Home Authors Articles by Paul Rellinger

Articles by Paul Rellinger

Paul Rellinger
786 Articles
Paul Rellinger a.k.a Relly is an award-winning journalist and longtime former newspaper editor still searching for the perfect lead. When he's not putting pen to paper, Paul is on a sincere but woefully futile quest to own every postage stamp ever issued. A rabid reader of history, Paul claims to know who killed JFK but can't say out of fear for the safety of his oh so supportive wife Mary, his three wonderful kids and his three spirited grandchildren. Paul counts among his passions Peterborough's rich live music scene, the Toronto Maple Leafs, slopitch and retrieving golf balls from the woods. You can follow Paul on Twitter at @rellywrites.
Although The Pizza Factory in Peterborough closed in January 2023, onwer Peter Bouzinelos will once again be making his signature World Famous Caesar Dressing (pictured in 2021) available in Peterborough at Foodland and Sobeys locations, at Farmboy on Lansdowne Street West, and at Taso's Restaurant and Pizzeria on George Street North. It will also be available in Bridgenorth at Pizza Villa and in Norwood at Ralph's Butcher Shop. (Photo courtesy of Peter Bouzinelos)

There is life after The Pizza Factory in the form of wide availability of...

Peter and Anna Bouzinelos continue to give back to Peterborough as keepsake and auction proceeds raised $17,140.12 to purchase food for Kawartha Food Share.
Madeleine Hurrell (right), Manager of Peterborough & the Kawarthas Economic Development's Business Advisory Centre, and Ella Fischer-Slack (left), Business Advisory Centre Coordinator, cut the ribbon at a recent event that showcased 24 entrepreneuers who participated in the Starter Company Plus program during the pandemic. Applications for the spring 2023 intake of the entrepreneurial training program close on April 30. (Photo courtesy of Peterborough & the Kawarthas Economic Development)

Starter Company Plus helps Peterborough-area entrepreneurs turn their business ideas into reality

Applications open until April 30 for spring intake of entrepreneurial training program offered by Peterborough & the Kawarthas Economic Development's Business Advisory Centre.
Peterborough native Chloë Black meets two dogs during a stint with Ukrainian Patriot in early 2023, when she helped deliver humanitarian aid packages to frontline soldiers and civilians in Ukraine. Her volunteer work in Ukraine followed a trip to Romainia in April 2022 when she volunteered with a group building a shelter for 800 animals displaced by the Russian invasion of Ukraine. (Photo courtesy of Chloë Black)

‘Blues For Ukraine’ to raise funds for relief efforts in war-torn country and to...

April 30th concert at Showplace's Nexicom Studio will feature a number of performers, Chloë's grateful father Al among them.
These seven rural entrepreneurs in Peterborough County all overcame pandemic challenges to operate successful community-focused businesses with the help of Starter Company Plus, an entrepreneurial training program offered locally by the Peterborough & the Kawarthas Economic Development Business Advisory Centre with funding from the Ontario government. Left to right, top and bottom: Lisa Burkitt of Burkitt's Gardening & Home Services, Lisa Mace of Eco Cabins, Patrick and Deanna Leahys of Leahy's Leor Farms, Katie Jackson of Wanderlight Alpaca Experience, Julie Drain of Your Furever Friend, and Jena Trimble of Zen Home & Cottage Cleaning Services. (Photos: Jenish Odigsk)

A commitment to community brings success to seven Peterborough County entrepreneurs

Lisa Burkitt, Lisa Mace, Patrick and Deanna Leahy, Katie Jackson, Julie Drain, and Jena Trimble all overcame pandemic challenges with the help of Starter Company Plus.
These six Peterborough entrepreneurs have taken their creative ventures to the next level by participating in Starter Company Plus, an entrepreneurial training program offered locally by the Peterborough & the Kawarthas Economic Development Business Advisory Centre with funding from the Ontario government. Left to right, top and bottom: Matt Anderson of Chemong City Greens, Debra Ragbar of Kawartha Spice Company Inc., Angela McDonald of The Florest, Mike Frampton of Tragically Dipped Donut, Alicia Doris of Living Local Marketplace, and Lewis Parker of East City Guitar Co. (Photos: Jenish Odigski / PKED)

Six Peterborough entrepreneurs take their creative ventures to the next level

Matt Anderson, Debra Ragbar, Angela McDonald, Mike Frampton, Alicia Doris, and Lewis Parker each have thriving maker-based businesses.
These six Peterborough entrepreneurs overcome pandemic challenges to launch businesses providing in-demand services. Each particpated in Starter Company Plus, an entrepreneurial training program offered locally by the Peterborough & the Kawarthas Economic Development Business Advisory Centre with funding from the Ontario government. Left to right, top and bottom: Desiree Bandi of 1.5 Degrees Composting Solutions, Karen Kearney of K9 in Motion Wellness, Jenish Odigineyev of Odigski Media, Lyle Saunders of Peterborough Disability Tax Services, and Shawn and Jolene Morris of Trim Time. (Photos: Jenish Odigski)

Pandemic inspires six Peterborough entrepreneurs to establish sought-after service-based businesses

Desiree Bandi, Karen Kearney, Jenish Odigineyev, Lyle Saunders, and Shawn and Jolene Morris have realized their entrepreneurial dreams and a growing number of clients is being very well served as a result.
Specializing in shop-made confections, Peterborough candy store Flossophy is adding flour-based treats to its product line of hand-spun cotton candy, gourmet popcorn, homemade chocolate, candy apples, soft-serve ice cream, gummies, and novelty candy. Pictured is a Japanese mochi donut topped with chocolate and Skor pieces. (Photo: Flossophy)

Peterborough candy shop Flossophy gets even sweeter by adding flour-based confections

Owner Danielle McIver is realizing her vision by expanding her product line with cookie dough, mochi donuts, cake truffles, brownies, and more.
Peterborough musicians Rick Fines, Gary Peeples, and Alan Black recorded their first record as the acoustic blues trio Jackson Delta 35 years ago and received two Juno nominations for subsequent releases. Although Jackson Delta disbanded over 20 years ago, the trio has reunited several times since and will be performing at Market Hall Performing Arts Centre in downtown Peterborough on April 8, 2023. (Photo: Mark L. Craighead)

Veteran acoustic blues trio Jackson Delta returns to Peterborough’s Market Hall on April 8

Almost four decades on, Peterborough musicians Rick Fines, Alan Black, and Gary Peeples remain 'True Blue' to their shared love of the blues.
These four Peterborough entrepreneurs overcome pandemic challenges to launch businesses with a focus on helping people. Each particpated in Starter Company Plus, an entrepreneurial training program offered locally by the Peterborough & the Kawarthas Economic Development Business Advisory Centre with funding from the Ontario government. Left to right, top and bottom: Michelle Godfrey of Discover Trager, Kate Griffin of Mental Wealth Counselling, Caitlin Smith of ReCreate Space, and Ineke Turner of Turner & Pooch Dog Training. (Photos: Jenish Odigski)

Four Peterborough entrepreneurs overcome pandemic challenges to launch businesses with focus on helping people

Entrepreneurs Michelle Godfrey, Kate Griffin, Caitlin Smith, and Ineke Turner have each built successful businesses.
For many Canadians approaching retirement age, the question of when to start collecting the Canada Pension Plan (CPP) retirement pension can be a signuficant one. Should you begin collecting a reduced monthly benefit early at age 60, wait until 65 to collect the full monthly benefit, or defer until you are 70 and collect an even higher monthly benefit? The right answer, according to executive financial consultant Adam McInroy at McInroy and Associates Private Wealth Management in Bobcaygeon, depends on each person's larger financial plan for their retirement. (Stock photo)

When should you take your government retirement benefits?

Adam McInroy and his team at Bobcaygeon-based McInroy and Associates Private Wealth Management help clients understand their options for taking CPP and OAS.

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