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Articles by Paul Rellinger

Paul Rellinger
785 Articles
Paul Rellinger a.k.a Relly is an award-winning journalist and longtime former newspaper editor still searching for the perfect lead. When he's not putting pen to paper, Paul is on a sincere but woefully futile quest to own every postage stamp ever issued. A rabid reader of history, Paul claims to know who killed JFK but can't say out of fear for the safety of his oh so supportive wife Mary, his three wonderful kids and his three spirited grandchildren. Paul counts among his passions Peterborough's rich live music scene, the Toronto Maple Leafs, slopitch and retrieving golf balls from the woods. You can follow Paul on Twitter at @rellywrites.
Fleming College Carpentry Techniques students Daniel Widdis, Carter Clark, and Benjamin Wright working on a wall frame destined for the new Peterborough County Agricultural Heritage Building at Lang Pioneer Village in Keene (photo: Paul Rellinger / kawarthaNOW)

Fleming College students help ‘raise the barn’ at Lang Pioneer Village

Video encourages Rick Mercer to help raise the walls for Peterborough County Agricultural Heritage Building
Dave Rogers of Relic had hoped to recover the roof rafters from this building at Alylmer and Simcoe Street in Peterborough, which was torn down last week. He had earlier offered to build reading tables from the reclaimed lumber for the new library space. Instead, the wood was destroyed during the demolition. (Photo: Dave Rogers / Instagram)

Loss of prime timber from building demolition frustrates Peterborough business owner

Offer to build 30 10-foot tables for the new library space now a moot point.
Under The Lock founder and chair Dave Smith, Mayor Daryl Bennett, and Peterborough Petes general manager Mike Oke (photo: Paul Rellinger / kawarthaNOW)

‘Grassroots hockey at its finest’ bringing close to 1,000 kids to the Trent Canal

Annual Under The Lock Hockey Tournament returns February 4 and 5 for a ninth year.
Inductee Mike Skinner (second from left) stands beside Peter Duffus (grandson of inductee JJ Duffus), with Junior Achievement's Marina Wilke (left), president and CEO John MCNutt (seated), board chair Paul Ayotte, and MaryBeth Miller (photo: Jeannine Taylor / kawarthaNOW)

Junior Achievement Business Hall of Fame expands by eight

2017 inductees revealed in advance of May 25 induction ceremony and culinary showcase.
The front of The Pig's Ear Tavern in 2009. After 152 years, the pub will close its doors for good on April. The building, which does not have a historic designation, has been purchased by local developer Parkview Homes. (Photo: Esther Vincent, evmustang.ca)

After 152 years, The Pig’s Ear Tavern will serve its last pint on April...

Owners John and Lylie Punter retiring, developer's plans for undesignated historic building are unknown.
Prime Minister Justin Trudeau comforts an emotional Kathy Katula at the town hall in Peterborough. The single working mom from Buckhorn was upset about the high cost of hydro and the possibility of paying a carbon tax when she's already struggling to make ends meet. (Photo: Linda McIlwain / kawarthaNOW)

Prime Minister challenged by emotional single mom about high hydro costs

Environmental concerns dominate Trudeau's packed town hall in Peterborough.
Peterborough's own Mayhemingways (Josh Fewings and Ben Rowland) are heading out on tour with Bill and Joel Plaskett in early spring (photo: Jeremy Kelly)

Mayhemingways score a major tour with Juno winner Joel Plaskett

Peterborough folk duo join Joel and his father Bill this spring to support their new record Solidarity.
Members of the public at Peterborough's Market Hall, almost all opposed to the proposed sale, left disappointed when City Council voted 6-5 in favour of selling the electricity distribution utility to Hydro One (photo; Paul Rellinger / kawarthaNOW)

Peterborough City Council confirms decision to sell Peterborough Distribution Inc. to Hydro One

After five hours and 26 delegations mainly opposing sale, council votes 6-5 to proceed.
"Real horns. Real music." Greg Weichel, Rob Roy, Steve McCracken, and Jim Usher (not pictured) comprise the horn section of The Rocket Revue (bassist Andy Pryde is in the background). The R&B band is performing on New Year's Eve at the Parkway Banquet Hall in Peterborough. (Photo: The Rocket Revue / Facebook)

The Rocket Revue launches anew this New Year’s Eve

Peterborough's self-billed "swinginest, rockinest rhythm and blues band" preparing to party with guest singer Beau Dixon.
One of a series of photographs taken at Ridgeview Cottages, on the shores of Rice Lake, which were procured through the Partnership Allocation Program in a photography project with the Rice Lake Tourist Association (photo: RTO8)

Kawarthas Northumberland looking for partners to enhance and promote regional tourism

Don't wait to apply for funding under the RTO8 Partnership Allocation Program.

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