Sue Simmons believes that, as professional women, we can learn to thrive in the face of chaos — even when autism is part of the picture.
Sue experienced a life-altering moment, after which she realized that her life’s purpose was to help women who believe that they’re at the mercy of their circumstances.
It was the day her five-year-old son was diagnosed with autism.
After doing her research, and discovering that autism didn’t have to be a life sentence — thanks to the fact that the brain can be shaped through experience — she turned for help to a Relationship Development Intervention (RDI®) Consultant. This leading-edge program is based on neurodevelopment and child development, and promises to give parents a second chance to build a loving, reciprocal relationship with their child with autism spectrum disorder (ASD).

“I was able to build the connection with my son that I had only dreamed of,” Sue says. “It changed my life, not to mention my son’s.”
She said goodbye to her career in sales and marketing, and went to Houston, Texas to train with the psychologists who developed the evidence-based program.
Since 2006, she’s been a Certified RDI® Consultant and guides her clients to reclaim their power, competence, and the joy of connection through her business, Equinox Family Consulting Ltd.
That was the first ‘aha’ experience; the second came when Sue learned about the fastest growing mind-body methodology in the world, which reduces stress and anxiety, and can shift negative thinking patterns so women aren’t at the mercy of their worries.
The technique she discovered is a cutting edge treatment called Emotional Freedom Techniques, or EFT — also known as “tapping”.
This gentle technique is based on the scientifically proven premise that our minds and bodies are inextricably connected. EFT calms the “fight or flight” centre of the brain, allowing us to live a life beyond what we think and feel on a daily basis. Essentially, it gives us freedom from our mind-chatter and worry.
“Becoming Certified as an EFT Practitioner was a game changer for me,” Sue says. “It allowed me to manage my emotions and freed me from being a slave to my thoughts and worries.”
The fact that tapping had yet to be considered mainstream by some western psychologists when Sue embraced it is not lost on her, but her own personal experience reinforced its value. And now, the scientific world has uncovered clear evidence of its effectiveness and, of course, the mind-body connection.
VIDEO: Equinox Family Consulting
“Both my autism work (RDI®) and tapping were considered ‘woo woo’ until recently because they’re both focused on building new neural connections,” Sue explains. “Now, the concept of neuroplasticity is widely accepted and backed by mountains of research.”
It was a short leap to see that she could also help professional women who are consumed with “family stuff,” overstretched and overwhelmed. She helps them to become proactive and learn to manage their mindset powerfully, so they can thrive, regardless of their life circumstances.
“We can get back in the driver’s seat, and live with power and joy.”
In 2017, her business includes both types of client: families with a child on the autism spectrum, and professional women who feel they’ve lost touch with their authentic selves — and long to feel joy and meaningful connection with their families.
Equinox Family Consulting Ltd. is located in Peterborough. For more information, call 705-875-4605 or visit www.equinoxfamilyconsulting.com. You can also follow Equinox Family Consulting Ltd. on Facebook, and connect with Sue Simmons on Twitter and LinkedIn.